How to improve your relationship with your daughter?

How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical school and went to work in order to give my husband the opportunity to study. I provided for my family, and he was able to easily graduate from college. Then my friend took him to work as a manager at her company. He always said: “Let’s wait another year, I’ll get back on my feet, and then I’ll help you, and you’ll return to your institute.” Years have passed, as a result, Alexander is now a successful businessman, the owner of a company, and I have remained a nurse.

It’s okay, I agree to live for him and for my daughter. Maintain "home" But Sasha has become completely different in the last couple of years. He complained that I was getting old, that I didn’t know how to dress, and in general that he was ashamed to have a wife who was a nurse. And the worst thing is thatthe daughter gradually went over to her father's side. She was proud of his successes, told her friends how wonderful and successful was.father . It got to the point that one day, when I came to school for a parent meeting, I heard from the class teacher that Margarita was telling me thatMom is very sick and cannot communicate with teachers. I was shocked. She probably did the wrong thing and decided to have a frank conversation with her husband. The situation exploded. My husband said that he no longer wants to live with me. ANDhis daughter supported him.

Now I live with my parents,My husband is separated, and for my daughter, my husband and I rent an apartment together. Rita doesn’t want to communicate with me, she says that I’m a loser.

My heart breaks with fear for her fate. She is in her last year of school and works part-time as a waitress in a nightclub. He says that, unlike me, he will achieve everything. I understand that at the age of 16 you want to be independent and really believe in yourself, but I know thatlife is much more difficult and I am very afraid for my girl.

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