How not to pass by your happiness?

How not to pass by your happiness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Being in a long-term relationship with a peer, I dream of simple communication with an almost stranger who is much older than me.

21:50 and I'm standing at the bus stop again. Public transport is infrequent at this time. March 7, it's cold, but still I'm glad to have the opportunity to stand longer waiting for my minibus.

I didn’t even try to get into the first one - there was no chance. Another one will arrive in 10 minutes. Hands are cold, but the minimal hope of seeing him warms a little. I peer into the faces of passers-by, and suddenly today is that day! I dream of the opportunity to come up and say how much I miss him and how happy I am to see him. I still believe in such magic and that dreams can be material. He walks towards. I am not yet sure that I saw the truth, but this is his hat, his walk, his silhouette. Courage as ever. I fix my eyes on the road and tremblingly wait for the minibus.

With peripheral vision, I notice how he passes nearby, but along a different path, he probably also recognized me and decided to avoid an unplanned meeting. It hurts so much and it hurts that I can't even look him in the eye. Minibus. I getmoney and come closer to the place of stopping. I regret the lost opportunities and try to escape as soon as possible. But the minibus is again crowded, even if I try to get in, I don’t know if I’ll get there alive. I decide to stay. I'm afraid to turn around and see him. Or not see. I don't know what scares me more. I worry, I get angry at my indecision, insecurity, stupidity. What is the probability that a stranger wants to meet you as much as you do?

This is unrealistic, but now I feel a touch on my shoulder, turn my head and see the eyes into which I so dreamed of looking. He came up to ask my name. I feel so stupid, insecure, but I answer questions and ask my own. I look at his face, clothes, hands. Some disappointment grips me. I see a cigarette in his hand, I smell smoke and I want to leave again. Only his speech still continues to fascinate me. But this cigarette, black fingers and an old sweater. And the eyes are very attractive and the lips are beautiful. Confused, I don’t understand, I want to stand next to him or leave and never meet again.

Route, you need to go. I say goodbye and thank you for the company. All the way it seemed to me that I made the right choice, and I had to finish it, but when I left, the realization of the loss of such a dear soul was torn to pieces. I thanked God for this meeting, conversation. I really want to see him again, I want to hug him, and it does not matter the old sweater, black hands and even a cigarette. It seems that I have found that soul mate that everyone dreams of, but I could not fully see it.

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