How not to scare off a guy by talking about marriage?

How not to scare off a guy by talking about marriage?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old, myThe guy is 25. We have been dating for 5 months, we work together. These are my first seriousrelationships , before that all acquaintances turned out to be non-reciprocal. But I met a man with whom, as it turned out, we had a lot in common - a sense of humor, views onlife , narrowly focused interests, we even, as it turned out, live not far from each other.

For five months, every day we go home from work together; before, he more often took me out to dinner somewhere, or at least for a “cup of coffee.” Now if we go out somewhere, it’s to a cafe with his friends.

On weekends we spend time together at his house. Once we went with his parents to the dacha. He says that he is not used to all kinds of going out, so he likes to spend his weekends at home, with friends or at the dacha. He himself never invited me somewhere; all initiatives to go to an exhibition/cinema/skating rink always came from me.

But he loves me, I see it in his behavior, his look, which is sometimes impossible to play. For him, this is probably also the first such a long relationship, because in my opinionWhen asked if he had a long-term relationship before this, he said: “I don’t know, I can’t remember right away.” Strange answer, I didn’t want to say anything, I didn’t ask anymore.

This is the situation. I live separately in rented housing, he is in a Euro-girl with his parents, they moved there less than a year ago. I celebrated the New Year in their family, my parents and his mother really liked me. I once heard her call me “our daughter-in-law” in a conversation with her husband. She raised the topic, they say, maybe you will already get married, you want to babysit your grandchildren, etc.

Our first intimacy happened after 3 months of dating. Yes, yes, no one was rushing anyone. And generally speakingHe's a good guy , calm, serious. But we have stalled at that level of “we go home on weekdays together -Sex on the weekends."

Since this is my first relationship, I don't quite know how things should go. I want for himI got married because I clearly realized that this is the person next to whom I would like to spend my whole life, support him, inspire him to achieve and realize himself as a man, and so on. But it seems to me that he doesn’t think about marriage at all. Although he said in general terms that he would like to become a father in the future.

I understand that 5 months is too early for marriage, but I am constantly tormented by the fact that our relationship is dependent on sex on the weekends. Tell me how everything should move if everything is good? I’m thinking that I need to wait until the new year (for me it’s just before the new yearbirthday , then this oneholiday ). I hope that he will propose to me, because... it will be a little over a year of our relationship at that time. I don't know how I can avoid showing my impatience just yet. I love him very much, that's why I want to move forward in the relationship. But I’m very afraid to raise this topic with him, even if he asks about plans, because most likely I’ll hear about plans for the near future.future without me. And if he talks about marriage, it will be “a little later, definitely not now,” and this could drag on for 5 years. I would already like toto give birth in 3 years, to be honest. And I’m just afraid that they will feed me “breakfast”; he is a very vague person in life, you will never hear specifics from him. I'm afraid that he will keep me close because it's convenient, because I love him, I'm afraid that he will promisemarriage in the future, but don't really even think about it.

Tell me what should I do? How not to ruin everything with your haste, but at the same time not tormented by your expectations and the feeling that you are simply being used (free sex and no obligations, convenient). I repeat, he is a good person and will be a good husband, he is not a reveler, he is a bookworm like me. But it all tore me apart.

How can I talk to him gently to find out his intentions and make it clear that I want to marry him? Is it worth doing? Or is it not necessary, so as not to scare away? Help me please.

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