How my father ruined my future

How my father ruined my future
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


It will be a sad, sometimes pessimistic story about my ruined dreams. It may seem to you that I pity myself, or I look for pity in other people, but this is not so. Before, it seemed to be true, but I'm trying to move on.

I really loved such a subject as chemistry from the 8th grade until graduation. Mythe father is a very straightforward and sometimes stern military man, whose service began when he came of age. He told me from the age of 13 that I should become a military man. Not just a military, but a military translator. In a military university, where he wanted to send me, the girls could only enroll as translators. I was not given foreign languages, but he never understood how this was possible. But I believe that along with diligence, desire should also follow, and when there is no desire, there is no effective result. I quietly nodded to him when he talked about this military school, and the prospects that await me. He said that he has "connections" and if anything, everything will be okay (remember this moment). The lack of my reaction to his words was my big mistake, because I could argue and stand my ground, and maybe something came of it.

It so happened that 2 more brothers were born in our family after me, and they inherited serioushealth problems , namely flat feet. One of the brothers in the future may sit in a stroller if the legs are completely deformed. Therefore, from their early childhood it was extremely clear that they were not even fit for military service. That's why my father wanted to embody it in me.

Years passed, I continued to love chemistry and dreamed about the future of a pharmacologist, not taking my father's words seriously. I passed the exam in the 9th grade with excellent marks, and nothing seemed to be able to take me away from my dream. But when I turned 17, I had to choose which subjects I would take and fix my choice in an official document without the right to replace subjects. And only then, I realized that my father's words were so unquestioning and firm that I wanted to cry.

As soon as I announced that would not take history, English and social studies and was not going to enter this university, my father made a scandal and said that if I disobeyed, he would not support me financially and morally, otherwise words, I will no longer exist for him. I had to listen to my father, and this is what came of it.

I always looked younger than my classmates and parallels, and was also shorter than everyone else, my physique and physical data would not allow me to pass the standards for admission. My father said that I should also go in for sports in addition to preparing for the exam in order to pass everything. In physical education tests, I always resorted to the last one, and in general, no matter how hard I tried, everything was in vain. To enter there, I had to go to the military registration and enlistment office. Believe it or not, but I lived in this military enlistment office for three months, went to doctors, passed medical examinations, brought a pile of documents.

And then one day, dad took me to an open day at this university. I knew right away that I didn't want to study there. makes you a real warrior there, you can't leave the hostel (only on Sundays). Every day at 6 am building and so on. I'm not saying it's bad. It just wasn't mine, I felt like I was destined for something completely different. In April, I arrived at the draft board for the penultimate time, once again, standing in a wild queue. All the documents were collected, and at the very last moment I was told that I needed to take an X-ray of my feet. The next day I come with the result of the X-ray, and what they tell me. A woman with an absolutely stone face climbs into the nightstand and takes out the whole pile of documents that I have been collecting for 3 months. Then he gives it to me with the words: "You are not fit."

I also have flat feet, and only four degrees were not enough for admission. That is, my foot deviates from the norm required for admission by only 4 degrees. Do you think cheershappinessEverything turned out just the way you wanted. But no. I left the recruiting office and called my dad. He said he was upset, but there was nothing he could do. And how about are your connections, daddy, that you stuttered about so much? As soon as he hung up, I realized that I was in a hopeless situation, and I began to cry wildly, I could not be stopped. Why, you ask. Yes, because I had already set myself up, I did not go to this of my own free will and at the very last moment, my father did not say anything! I did not ask to connect “connections”, but just support and advice on what to do next was simply necessary for me. But the worst thing is that the results of the exams could not be changed, and I did not know where I should go, and most importantly - for whom? I had no opportunity to change anything, and even if I had, I would not be allowed to become a pharmacologist.

As a result, I am a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Law, and my parents pay over 300,000 rubles a year for me. Education is boring, uninteresting, and I do not see any prospects in it (only for me, everyone has their own tastes and desires).

Thank you if you read to the end, don't blame and don't judge strictly, I just want to convey that you can't give up, as it happened to me. You need to be firm in your actions and always go towards your dream without looking back.


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