How to let go and forget past love?

How to let go and forget past love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met him 6 years ago, fell in love with each other. We dated, he courted me, confessed his love. We were young, often quarreled.

He went into the army, I went to him, visited him, worried. But after that he didn't want a serious relationship, he wanted freedom. We broke up, I met someone else, got marriedgot married , was bornchild , butthe marriage didn't work out, we separated. I started living alone with the child, doing everything myself. And then he called me. We talked. He suggested a meeting. We met. He said that, despite everything, he still cared about me. We started meeting 3-4 times a month, walking, going to the cinema, coming to my house. He constantly calls and suggests it. At this time, I take the child to visit my parents. I understand that all these meetings are nonsense. Just out of boredom for him. Maybe he still has sympathy for me, but he has his ownlife and his plans. He paysa 5-year loan for a separate apartment for himself. He probably wants a family in the future, but definitely not with me. I feel like used material every time, a toy for a while. He doesn't tell anyone at home that we're dating, he hides it.

Every day I understand that I need to stop these meetings, to reduce them to nothing. That it’s simple, when he finds another one, he’ll say “bye”, and it will hurt even more. I feel good with him, I’ve had feelings for him for many years. But the past is notreturn . I am a divorced woman with a child, no one needs such. And I do not want to impose myself on anyone. The past can not be returned. I was going to rent out my apartment temporarily, live in the country with the child in the summer, and with my parents in the winter, they do not mind, only are happy. This is a forced measure, because they do not give us a kindergarten yet, I can not go to work, and there is a catastrophic lack of money for life. I told him, and he asked me so worriedly: is this for long? I immediately understood from his reaction that he was worried that we would not be able to come to me.

And the fact that I have nothing to live on with a child now is nothing. And the fact that he bought the apartment himself and rents it out to pay off the loan is also normal. I don't ask him to help me, I'm just solving my own problemsproblems , each of us has our own. I understand that he reacts this way because if there is nowhere to meet, then he doesn’t need all this. I have experienced a lot of troubles and pain lately, I don’t want anymore. I don’t want to cling to illusions. It’s easier to live for yourself and your child, leaving all hopes in the past. Things didn’t work out in life, and that’s okay.

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