How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?

How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since school, I have a working page in one of the social networks. Then I earnedmoney transfers from German into Russian and vice versa. But in general, my story is about a “girlfriend”.

I took on small translations because I had neither the desire nor the time to translate 50 pages of text or more. Sometimes, for the sake of exception, when I needed large sums and had time, I took it.

Despite the fact that I graduated from both school and university and have been working for a long time and not a translator at all. But this page continues to bring me money. Since for so long a rather good customer base has accumulated. I am not looking for new clients. But sometimes they find me by themselves on the recommendations.

And a year ago, before the New Year, she turned to megirl asking. She said that her friendmy daughter goes to school and there is German, can I do homework in German. I did it, it was easy and fast. She paid for everything, as expected. I take the full sum of money in advance, otherwise clients, unfortunately, sometimes deceived me. She began to apply constantly and a lot.

Christmas was coming. She applied that day, I did everything for her. And she decided meanwhile while she was waiting for the finished work to talk to me. She spoke out, complained that here she is helping her friend with everything, here is a child with lessons, she also pays from her own pocket. Aa girlfriend happens to use her, and only pulls money from her, ignoring and spreading quarrels. She told that she had lent a lot of money to this friend and a large amount had accumulated, which the friend did not return.

Usually it is a gross mistake to switch with clients from a working communication format to such a non-working format. But at the same time, I had and still have adequate clients who are still waiting for work, they can talk, but they will separate work and communication. And they never sat on their heads. There are those who write just to talk, but know when to stop. Who wishes you Happy Holidays. Therefore, I thought: “wow, the girl is so kind, she also helps her friend financially and even found time for her child at Christmas. We must support her.

And I entered into a conversation with her (I just didn’t imagine what a nightmare for me then all this would turn out). I say, they say, so why do you continue to communicate and continue to help financially if you say (she suggested switching to “you”) that she does not return you yet and often ignores you. She said that she not only ignores, but also insults when it comes to repaying a debt.

Honestly, I believed her and felt sorry for her. She began to periodically write, then “good morning”, then “good evening, how are you.” But the only thing to do is always to talk about this friend of yours. Then it began that she began to pay half the sum of her order. At first, I seemed to enter into her position, thinking that she must have a difficult situation and her money was not returned. And she continues to help. But it has already become a habit with her, and no one asked her about it.

I think, okay, so be it, half the sum won’t hurt me either, we, after all, communicate. Even though she doesn't really listen to anything. He won't even ask how you're doing. You tell her something, she will not ask a single question about this, but only scribbles and scribbles about her own, and basically it's the same thing (about her friend). To which I asked: “why are you talking to her?” And she replies: “Well, how is it, but how will she be without me? She has no one but me. She lost all her friends because of her bad temper. I feel sorry for her to leave, she will be left all alone. Moreover, this friend, as it turned out, not only has a daughter, but also a son andhusband .

And all hell broke loose. She started textingevery day from morning to evening. 500 messages each (no jokes)! Which are the same. Complaints that she writes to her, and she may not answer for a day, two, or even three. To which I wrote to her that is normal, which means she has things to do. Not everyone wants a lot of communication and there are cases that there is no time for communication. She wrote that her friend is ungrateful, does not return the money, that what business can she have if she is not able to clean the house. He writes: “When I flew to visit her, I took up the cleaning to shame her in front of her husband and show her and her husband what a clean woman is.” I thought that that friend was lucky that they did not live in the same city, but me, that she did not know my address and phone number.

And then, after a while, she writes that she dreams of flying there on vacation, but for some reason her friend does not invite her anymore, and she does not understand why. It got to the point that she continued to place orders, but no longer paid. He will order, he says: “now I will pay, start doing it.” I have already done, sent, but there is no payment for 5 days. I write to her about this, but she is lying that she did not read this message. But he writes a message: “Oh, you are so kind, thank you, for helping me.”

So it happened a couple of times and I stopped placing orders with her, referring to the fact that I was busy with a lot of orders, a lot of main work, no time. I thought it would come to her that I would not do anything for free. She also writes these messages 100 times a day. Sometimes even 500. I just haven't read them anymore. I thought it would reach a person that they did not want to communicate with him. But no! She doesn't stop sending them.

I have already decided to advise her to go to dating sites, meet a man (although whata man can stand such communication!). I thought that she would at least switch from friends to a man. But she translates the topic and again only scribbles about this friend.

Maybe she's gay and loves women? Such thoughts also visited me. There was a moment that my nerves just gave out, and I blocked it, blacklisted it. So it turned out that she had a second page, and she wrote an apology, that she realized her mistake, that she writes a lot and apparently distracts me from my work at And I stopped writing for a while.

I decided to give the man a second chance. But everything repeats itself to this day. I've been ignoring her for a month now. But she scribbles these messages and that's it. I tried to talk to her directly, that she is too intrusive, so she does not get along with her friend and many people ignore her. To which she replies that normal people will always find time to answer if they are friends.

She hears nothing and does not understand at all. Therefore, trying to advise her something, change in her, is simply unrealistic. But she also seems to write normally, shares some of her life stories. But personally, he writes badly about me right in the eye. But somehow the hand does not rise to blacklist. It seems like it's for no reason. We don't seem to have a fight with her. But at the same time, she just poisoned my life with her clicks from messages for a year. I'm losing money because I don't go there even for half a month, which bringsharm to my other clients.

I understand that I need to block it? It’s just that what stops me from being blocked is that she will immediately spoil and lie clearly out of spite on the Internet, like about that friend. For example, lying to ruin my reputation with clients. Although, in fact, this money from this page is not so important to me. But they do not interfere with me, and sometimes they are very useful. And somehow I would not want to lose them and clients because of one inadequate person.

Did you have such "friends" sticky? And how did you part with them, get rid of them.

It's just the first time I've encountered such an inadequate person. And, thank God, that on the Internet. What is better after all - a blacklist forever or an eternal ignore?

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