How to overcome your sinful love?

How to overcome your sinful love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I fell in love with my future husband immediately and, as I thought then, for the rest of my life. We have a goodfamily , daughter is 6 years old, until recently I was happy, until I fell in love again, recklessly and irrevocably. This has been going on for two years now. Arkady and I work together, he knows about my feelings for him, he himself is also not indifferent to me, but he is married and has children. How many times have I tried to quit so as not to see him, not to cross paths with him?every day in the office, but I can’t find the strength to do it. I need to at least see him, I can’t live without it.

My husband has no idea about anything yet, I try to treat him as before, but every day it becomes more and more difficult for me to pretend, to pretend that I miss him and still love him. Newlove has taken over me completely, it’s like an obsession, I can’t do anything about it. I'm afraid that at work they will guess about my feelings for Arkady, they will start gossiping, or even worse, they will tell his wife. I don't want to harm this woman and createproblems for a loved one, but what to do, how to deal with it, how to get rid of this feeling? Only he is constantly in my head.

I didn’t cheat on my husband, and I’m not going to leave him, I don’t want him tothe daughter grew up without a father. They say that any, even strong love, passes over time, so I will wait until my sinful love passes, and there will be no need to destroy either him or my family. In the meantime, I will live by the fact that I can see him every day, enjoy the fact that he is also not indifferent to me, the way he looks at me. I am happy about this and at the same time, very unhappy that I cannot be with my loved one. Maybe it would be easier for me if I decided to cheat?

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