How to divide an apartment after a divorce?

How to divide an apartment after a divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read an article here about how a man had nowhere to live after a divorce, and I want to tell you that four years ago I found myself in the same situation, only I had nowhere to go. Parents lived in another city, my sister has a one-roomapartment ,I took in a husband and two children, of course, for the first time, but after a month I myself realized that I couldn’t continue like this and decided to rent a house. I found a room in a communal apartment and started working part-time so that I had something to pay the rent and child support. I met my daughter almost every weekend,my wife did not interfere, for which I was very grateful to her, but over time I learned that it was to her advantage that Yulia was with me for these two days. To go to the cinema, cafes, to buy something for my daughter, we also neededmoney , and I learned to make do with little, saving on literally everything. But he knew that the child had housing, and left his wife a two-room apartment.

When we got married, we immediately decided that we needed an apartment. Of course, I wanted larger housing, since my wife was alreadypregnant , but decided,, that for now we will limit ourselves to one room and save money in order to save for a more spacious option.

As a result, we saved up some money and decided to take a two-room apartment so that the child would eventually have his own room. My parents helped pay the first installment (my mother-in-law then said that they had no money), and the rest was paid by the two of us. Because of this, my wife even had to leave maternity leave early to earn daughter was sent to kindergarten. And after the divorce, I decided that I would not share the apartment, let Yulia live in normal conditions. Many friends and relatives said that I acted stupidly, but I did not regret what I did until I found out that my ex-wife had leftget married and her husband will live with them.

Now I myself understood that it was necessary to sell the apartment and buy myself at least a room. I decided to talk to my ex-wife about this, I said that I didn’t agree for a stranger to live in my apartment, with everything ready, but she was very surprised by this. She said that if he doesn’t have his own home, then what happens now, she must live alone all the time, without the right to get married. Now I find myself in an even worse situation, because if I now start sharing the apartment, then they will only be able to buy themselves a one-room apartment, and my daughter will be forced to live in the same room with a stranger. I understand that this needs to be resolved somehow.question , but I don’t know what to do.

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