How to reconcile your husband with his parents?

How to reconcile your husband with his parents?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two years ago I leftmarried _ Before that, we lived together for two years. To my parentsI didn’t like my husband from the very beginning, although he works, earns well (above average, several times more than me), helps me around the house, doesn’t drink, and has never been known to cheat. Relations have always been strained between parents and husband.

But six months ago we had a big fight and I (I already regretted it 1000 times) complained to my mother. Mom naturally told father. My parents came to my husband and me and advised us to get a divorce. After a while, my husband and I reconciled, but since then neither my parents nor my husband have communicated with each other. Fundamentally they don’t even intersect.

Now Ipregnant (desired, plannedchild ) and I want to reconcile before the birth of the childhusband with my parents. I want my son to have full-fledged grandparents who could come to our home. I understand perfectly well that this is entirely mineguilt in this situation, I really want to fix it, but I don’t know how. Please tell me how to do this.

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