How to avoid being alone after a divorce?

How to avoid being alone after a divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I divorced my husband three years ago and were left alone with my two-year-old son. FormerMy husband has already married for the second time, but I just can’t get to know anyone. I have many acquaintances and girlfriends who divorced later than me, but have already divorced for the second timemarried , some even had children. I am attractive, slim, without bad habits, men show me signs of attention and give me compliments, but things don’t go further.

Mostly married people meet and offer the role of a mistress, some even promise to provide financially, but I need a person not for a while, but for living together anda father to a son, even if not his own, but still a father. I'm very worried thatthe child grows up without male upbringing. My aunt, for example, never got married after the divorce, andThe daughter has grown up, and there are grandchildren, but she is still alone.

Mom tells me not to rush into getting married again, so as not to make a mistake.a friend said: “Use your freedom, andlove will come when you don’t expect it.” I understand this myself, but I’m tiredloneliness . Moreover, my ex-husband once came to his son and said: “Well, she hasn’t found anyone better than me.” I was very upset and hurt, and after he left I cried the whole evening.

I recently met a man at a party, he is also divorced, and I liked him right away. We started dating, even went on vacation together, but he said he wasn’t ready to get married yet. He offered to communicate, to get to know each other better, but I’m afraid that he’s just spending time with me, and seriousHe doesn't need a relationship . I felt freedom after the divorce, and the fact that I have a child is stopping him, he has two children of his own from his first marriage. Maybe I'm really rushing things?

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