How to quarrel with your friends over a wedding in an expensive restaurant

How to quarrel with your friends over a wedding in an expensive restaurant
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm getting married in a month. It so happened that I “hooked up the rich guy”, “I’m going outmarried to an oligarch” and “I’m showing off my pretentious restaurant” as my friends whisper behind their backs, which is what my problem is connected with, which I would like to talk about in this confession.

Thunder struck at the moment when I sent out the invitations, which indicated the location of our wedding banquet - a chic restaurant. It is truly beautiful and luxurious, but my fiance’s parents happily agreed to pay for it. It was there that they had always planned to hold their only son's wedding.

I would agree to a much more modest banquet, but pretend to be innocently modest in front of people who know me well and respect me - why? My fiancé’s parents understand that I’m not marrying him for their money (they rather get in the way), they treat me great and I see no reason to get on their nerves and be capricious without good reason.

If they want a grand wedding in an expensive restaurant and are ready to pay for it all - why not? After all, if you think about it, it’s theirs tooholiday too. My parents don’t see any reason to worry either.

But here are my dearsmy friends , who had previously only hinted and secretly expressed their dissatisfaction, stopped being shy and unanimously expressed to me everything that had accumulated in their souls. It turns out that they are very happy for me, but with all my troubles I completely forgot about them. More precisely, I forgot that, unlike me, they were “unlucky enough to hook up with an oligarch” and they have no desire to throw away all their savings in order to “meet” the level of the celebration I organized.

That they don’t go to such restaurants in cheap dresses, that supposedly everyone there will only stare at them, and the guests from the groom’s side will do nothing but make fun of them because of the lack of diamond necklaces and gold Rolexes.

I was slightly dumbfounded by this waterfall of confessions and accusations. I still don’t understand why they made such conclusions, because they know my Roma very well and know that he is not at all one of those people who pride themselves on their wealth.

I have known his parents for a long time and they also do not judge people by the amount of money in their bank account. Yes, this is an indicator, but it is far from the most important thing in life. It is much more important to be an individual, to be an educated, discreet person, to fit in culturally, rather than financially. I'm sure their friends invited to our wedding think the same.

Now my so carefully planned wedding is under threat, the very atmosphere of the holiday has deteriorated, there is no expectation of a miracle and happiness. I am no longer happy with the restaurant we chose, even the luxurious wedding dress that I have dreamed of for as long as I can remember now seems too pretentious and pretentious to me.

I just wanted my wedding day to be , so that everything is perfect, so that my joy is shared by all the people close to me. I had such an opportunity, I decided to give a gift not only to myself, but also to them, but in the end it turned out that no one needed it.

There was some kind of envy, whispering behind my back and claims right in my face. For what? Have I offended someone, stolen something and am organizing my wedding at their expense? Do I demand expensive gifts or chip in to rent a restaurant? I just wanted to make a holiday for myself, for my loved one and for the people dear to us, but in the end I was left guilty.

Please tell me, am I missing something or are people by nature ungrateful and simply can’t stand the sight of other people’s happiness?

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