How to build a relationship with a divorced woman?

How to build a relationship with a divorced woman?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have nothing against divorced women, it’s not a stigma or a label. Everyone has different life situations in their life. But is it possible to build long-term, trustingrelationship with a divorced woman?

It's obvious thata man aged 40+, with an unsuccessful marriage behind him, can hardly count on a relationship with an immaculate maiden 20 years younger than himself. There are, of course, such cases, but these are rather the exception to the rule. So the choice is small.

What pitfalls should we expect in such a relationship, how to relate to her past, will this past interfere with the present and future? It’s hard to believe that a divorced woman will tell the whole truth about herself, why her previous one fell apartmarriage , whose fault. How many partners were there, etc.

In his early youth, being engaged, he had relationships with girls who had already been married. The relationship was purely for intimacy. Although the friends tried hard to show their best side, what kind of housewives they are, affectionate, caring. But this is only a demo version. A marketing technique and nothing more to sell an existing asset at a higher price.

However, this was a long time ago, desires and priorities change with age, sex alone is not enough. So what should we do? Lots of doubts. Demos again. Who knows, maybe shedid the family fall apart because of her infidelity, or for some other reason why she was unable to build a correct, strong relationship with her husband, with whom she lived together for more than 10 years?

I read a lot of stories here about women’s infidelities, about how unfaithful wives repent of what they did, regret what they lost, and miss their past life. It turns out that despitedivorce , they have not mentally moved on from their previous relationship. What if the woman you liked just experienced similar events? Then the new man will be like a passing stage for them or a resource for psychological and material support. Or am I mistaken?

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