How to overcome differences in communication with your mother?

How to overcome differences in communication with your mother?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that upon enteringuniversity , I realized that I don’t like studying there (despite the fact that it is the best university in our area). I decided to pick up the documents, but ran into internal problems. First of all, I, of course, care what he saysmom , but I still hoped that she would accept any of my decisions, but no, she is categorically against my choice. And I decided to go to distance learning and work. Mom said that she was categorically against me being a consultant in the store; in general, she did not support it. And I adequately understand that I chose the wrong field of study, 2 months were enough for me to understand this.

My parents are divorced, but my dad supported me and said that it’s yourslife , do as you want. At the moment, I really want to go pick up the documents, but I’m scared, questions/interrogations will begin about why I’m taking them, but I don’t want to explain anything, I just want to leave and that’s all. I'm on a budget, so I haven't lost anything. I don’t know what’s best, I talked to my mother, she didn’t support me, but I’m 18 and this is my life, my choice and I decided so. Now I’m thinking of going to work, and only when I’m settled will I pick up my documents, but I’m one hundred percent sure that I don’t want to study in this place. How to overcome yourself?

To find the strength to take such a step as getting a job for the first time in my life, picking up documents from the university, and also going against my mother, with whom I had walked in the same step all my life (she supported all my decisions). Moreover, I don’t want to tell her now that I’m going to look for a job and pick up documents. She suggests waiting for the first session, but I already want to work and earn money, and not wait for the session at the university, which I made a mistake in choosing.

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