How to extend your childhood?

How to extend your childhood?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 14 years old and I realized that everyone reminds me of my age. I feel very hurt and scared when they say, in 2 years I’ll be done, I’m already an adult, I’m 14...

I really don't want to grow up, and I can't anymorereturn everything back. I don't feel like an adult, and when I look at older teenagers, I feel disgusted. I am very jealous of children, and it seems to me that my parents loved me more when I was a child. What if, for example, I want to be a child until I’m 18, until I’m 20, or whatever, why should I grow up and know that this is some kind of stupidity. I think I'm afraid of responsibility and loneliness becauselife is stupid and humiliating and no one cares about you, but your parents seem to love you simply because you exist and you love themchild . I can no longer get the same warmth as when I was 5 or 9 years old. And if I can, then I know that it’s only because I asked myself, and it’s temporary.

I don't want to start a familyrelationship and all this is so nasty. I don't want to become a woman. I don't want minemy body grew, I want to relive it all again, because it’s as if everything I can remember is left behind. I’m so afraid of growing up, birthdays, when everyone tells me you’re an adult now, you’re 15, there’s 16, 17, 18 years old and you’re now very young and these are the best years of your life. Childhood is the best time in life, it’s a pity that it passed for you and all that. Time flies very quickly anyway, and I don’t understand where everyone is rushing. I don’t understand what to do and I try to avoid and not see these words, like it’s a pity my childhood is over, you can’t get anything back, just move on and I can’t hear someone remembering “their years.”

I didn’t have time to enjoy my childhood when it was taken away from me, I used to think about this too, but as soon as the purely feminine thing began, I became terribly sick of living, it’s like I’m no longer a little girl, but why am I being restricted and They say enjoy it while you can. Life is so short, and apparently adulthood is always very miserable and routine for most people. In Russia, most people don’t even have the money to travel abroad, and I don’t want it to be that way for me. I don't want my parents, grandmothers and other people and cat to grow old. I always wanted to live like in old American TV series and cartoons, but now everyone is saying that everything will be like everyone else’s or that I need some kind of superpowers to make at least something better.

I am so offended that they say that so far all the doors are open to me, and that grown-up people say that they see the ones that have already closed in front of them. I really appreciate my parents and everything I have, but I feel very bad for 3 days in a row, I haven’t left my parents and I want to spend more time with them. It seems that I used to treat them very coldly and would not want to offend them or anything so that they would consider me a stranger. I tried to talk to them, but they said that I was making everything up, and that everything was still ahead, and I really didn’t want this “ahead” to ever come.

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