How to part with the woman you love without offending her?

How to part with the woman you love without offending her?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Six months ago my last ones endedrelationship . They started strangely and ended no less strangely.

We knew each other in absentia for a very long time, we have a commongirlfriend , but we really met and started a relationship much later. Now looking back at our relationship, I understand that at first I was a Band-Aid and a lifeline for her. I was for everyone - for my best friend, and for my nanny, and for my mother. But there was no love. She went through a difficultdivorce , I pulled her out of depression, we went through everything together, but then the relationship began and something incomprehensible. It was like it was taking turns, now closer, now farther, now letting us in, now pushing away, now bringing everything to naught, now on the contrary, it was moving closer. She started talking about us when I was already losing faith in the relationship and coming to terms with the fact that between us there could only befriendship . And there were several such swings.

At some point, the relationship moved to a new level, we began to live together, we began to live likefamily , but then again everything is new. One day she gives up and chooses a career, moving to Moscow, and with us everything returns to the level of friendship. After a while, she herself begins to improve her previous relationship and bring me back, this time everything goes even further, joint plans, conversations about family and wedding. And then again she came up with something for herself, got jealous, and broke off the relationship.

She celebrated the New Year with a friend and a certain admirer. And so she again casts the bait on the relationship and begins to build bridges with me. It’s just that something clicked in me, not from resentment or bad things, but just a lack of trust in some way. I no longer believe in her feelings, I don’t want these emotional swings anymore. I understand everything, but I'm exhausted. I understand that there can be no relationship between us, that it simply won’t work out, and to tell the truth, my feelings have already faded. If even before the New Year I was sure that I loved her, now I can’t say it. I love her as a relative, as a close person, but I don’t want a relationship in that format and, to be honest, I just can’t imagine it anymore. And I just don’t want to be in limbo anymore and take steps into the unknown.

The question is how to convey all this to her as gently as possible? She will take everything asbetrayal , and that I am leaving her, although this is not so. For me, this relationship in the format of romance and family is over, but I need to put an end to it so that it is not a blow for her.

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