How my mother-in-law deceived me with an apartment

How my mother-in-law deceived me with an apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

He met a girl, dated for about a year, then got married. My wife's parents, in addition to the house they lived in, hadapartment .

After the wedding, they invited us to live there. The apartment was owned by the mother-in-law. During the three years of living in this apartment, we almost constantly engaged in its improvement. We wanted to provide ourselves with everything necessary for a young family. Our parents also encouraged us to improve. A year and a half after the wedding, a daughter was born.

The wife also had an older brother. At the time we were getting married, my wife's brother was living with his parents. Apparently, he did not like it very much at his age. He was about 30 years old. And after one or two years, he decided to rent an apartment in order to live separately from his parents. And as soon as we finished the main improvement of the apartment in which we lived, the mother-in-law suddenly decided to replay the whole situation. She began to demand from me through my wife that I give her a million rubles. To thesemoney, her son took out a mortgage. For this, she promised to transfer her apartment to my wife.

A few days later, she called my parents to a meeting and began to demand from them one and a half million. With all this, she asked her son not to tell anything. That is, she wanted to solve the problem of her son living at someone else's expense, without even informing him. I didn't have a million. All that I could offer my mother-in-law is two hundred thousand of our common savings with my wife. Whereinmy wife was indignant and said that she would not give this money, because it was my parents who should pay, and not she. My parents, too, were only able to offer a hundred thousand in a lump sum payment. And pay a small amount monthly. They were already at retirement age. My parents have a small income. Of course, I was also outraged that my mother-in-law offered me and my parents to give her money for the fact that she would arrange her apartment for soydaughter , that is, my wife.

In general, the mother-in-law was not satisfied with my and my parents' proposals. And then the next day she called my dad and said that she and her father-in-law would no longer communicate with them. She also forbade them to come to her territory, including the apartment where my wife and I lived. Then my daughter had a birthday. It was unpleasant for me to be in an apartment with all my mother-in-law's relatives, and at the same time not have the right to invite my parents to someone else's territory. The wife did not want to celebrate her birthday elsewhere. So I left before the guests arrived. Returned in the evening, when the guests had already left. Then I did something stupid that I later regretted.

A few days later, when I returned from work, my wife was not in the apartment. She took the child and went to her parents' house. But the mother-in-law and father-in-law were in the apartment. They told me bad things about me and my parents and kicked me out. They said I won't live here anymore. My wife's phone was not answered that day. A few days later I called my wife. She said that if I wanted to make peace with her, I should apologize to her parents. Thus, I had to apologize to to the people whose apartment I improved at my own expense, and I myself spent a lot of time and effort on this, and from which they kicked me out. But then I believed that the main thing I need to do now is to save my family. So I went and apologized. It is not clear why.

The mother-in-law almost immediately settled her son in her vacated apartment. She had been systematically arranging for my wife to move out of her apartment for a year prior. She told me through her that in the current situation we must leave. It was unpleasant for me. But it was a pity for the considerable money that we spent on the improvement of the apartment. And so, when I gave her a reason with my rash act, she took advantage of it very quickly. However, knowing this person, now I understand that she would have kicked us out anyway. Even without a reason.

My wife and I moved into a rented apartment. Lived on it for a couple of months. But there was not enough money to rent a house. Therefore, in the end, we decided to move to live in an apartment with my parents. My mother-in-law was strongly opposed to us moving to live with my parents, but my wife then supported my point of view. Yes, it was difficult to do otherwise. We had little money.

More than three years have passed since then. But the resentment remained. I could not decide how I now feel about my wife's parents. In fact, my mother-in-law deceived me and robbed me of a decent amount. Of course, I would not make repairs in her apartment if I knew that as soon as we equip it, we will be expelled from there. 300 thousand rubles were spent on the arrangement of the mother-in-law's apartment. After some time, the mother-in-law decidedreturn some of the money. But not for repairs, but only for household appliances in the apartment. She returned 100 thousand. But at the same time, she returned the money not to me, but to her wife. My wife refused to give me the money. I turned to my mother-in-law with a question, could she give me the money that I invested in her apartment. The mother-in-law said that she would not return the money. Began to pretend to be a hose. With the fact that we almost never lived in her apartment at all. She knows how to pretend to be a hose.

And now I understand that I can no longer trust anyone. I was scammed and robbed. And it is not possible to achieve justice by asking for justice. The unresolved whole situation greatly spoils life. I periodically catch myself feeling angry towards my mother-in-law. Thoughts keep coming to my mind that I should do something to get my money back, or somehow get back at her. Sometimes I conduct, as it were, internal dialogues with this person, in which I express everything that I think about her. I carry it all in myself and cannot voice it. And to whom? If you say this to your mother-in-law, nothing will get better. My parents say it's my own fault. Sometimes, quite rarely, when these thoughts get to me, I tell my wife about it. But she naturally resents me. Ourrelationship with his wife deteriorated. I can't get justice from her parents or from herself. I can't just get out of my head and accept the fact that I was scammed and robbed. I can not and do not want to communicate with her parents. I can not, as before, completely trust my wife.

I looked for a way out of this situation, but did not find it. My wife began to tell me that she was tired, that I want to return the money from her parents. That she was tired of me treating them like that. She began to say that no one would return anything to me. She threatened to divorce me. I myself am very tired of all this. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to continue living like this. And how to live differently is not clear.

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