How to convince your husband that it wasn’t cheating, but just a crush?

How to convince your husband that it wasn’t cheating, but just a crush?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It took me a long time to decide to write about my situation. Please do not judge, but try to understand. I really need or at least some advice, because I can’t fix everything myself.

My husband and I met when I was 17. He is my first and onlyman , the first, but unfortunately, it turned out that not the only onelove , and that's the whole problem.

My husband is 4 years older than me. It all started with a simple acquaintance through mutual friends, and then an incredibly close, warmfriendship , and friendship has already grown into feelings, love and a fairy tale. My husband is just ideal, he always loved me madly, carried me in his arms, worried, cared for me, protected me from everything, in every sense he replaced both my parents and my best friends. I am not a beauty and have always been an ugly duckling, I grew up in a single-parent family,my mother never loved me and was only concerned with her personal life. And somy husband became everything to me, like a reward for all my previous unhappy lifelife .

My husband and I got married, wanted children, made plans, dreamed of growing old together, hugging each other. After college, I went to work in my specialty, I was lucky, I was noticed and hired by a serious company. But, unfortunately, that was where the good ended. Everything turned out like in stupid romance novels and movies. The girl grew up, the ugly duckling did not become a beautiful swan, but I became a little more beautiful than I was. At work, I met that other guy. I will say right away that there was no cheating or relationship, there were feelings, not even feelings, but just physical attraction, but then I could not understand myself and understand this.

He liked me too, now I understand that he is just an experienced womanizer and found a new victim for himself. I fought with myself and my feelings for a long time, all steps towards me from his side were immediately stopped. Because of feelings for another, I suffered from remorse, I could not live with all this, I hated myself and tried to find at least some way out. In the end, when my husband arranged a romantic dinner, I burst into tears and told him everything.

I quit my job, decided to fight for my family, my husband and I started working on our relationship together, everything seemed to be working out, everything was fine, but something broke in him. My husband is like me, he had an unhappy childhood, a difficult youth, and what's more, an unhappy first love andbetrayal of the firstgirls . Everything went down the drain, my husband triedforgive and went to meet me, then closed himself off and withdrew into himself, waving it off that everything was fine. We broke up several times, he let me go and left, I brought him back, cried, we started all over again.

At the moment we are together, working on the relationship, we are together, butmy husband won't let go. After working with a psychologist, I realized that those weren't feelings, but just passion, but that doesn't make it any easier for my husband, all the same, it was all for someone else, which means, in my husband's opinion, nothing will work out between us and ourthe relationship is doomed. He is not my man since I have feelings and attraction to another.

I love my husband very much, I value him and our family, but I don't know how to fix everything. It doesn't work with children either, this also breaks me very much

Thank you, I got it out and it at least made me feel a little better.

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