How to convince your husband to return to his country?

How to convince your husband to return to his country?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftgot married 2 years ago. My husband is 12 years older than me, I havedaughter from her first marriage. 7 months agomy husband decided that we needed to move to live in another country. I thought for a long time, but in the end I agreed anyway.

I won’t say that we lived poorly in our homeland. There is an apartment , 2 cars, they both worked, the salaries weren’t big, but they didn’t go hungry, there was enough for everything. But my husband insisted that we needed to move, because there would be more prospects abroad and it would be possible to improve the quality of life.

And we moved. My husband found a job right away, he speaks fluent English, his salary doesn’t seem to be small, but here it’s only enough to pay for housing and buyproducts , pay bills. I haven’t been able to find a job for 7 months now, since I don’t really know the language, the agency only offers work during the day (I can’t work during the day, since I need to take my daughter to school and pick her up from school). I'm still waiting for an offer to work night shifts at the factory.

There are no friends here, no relatives here, I’m just going crazy. I almostevery day I try to convincehusband , that I need to return as a lady, everything is fine with my work there, it won’t be difficult for him to find a job either (two higher educations). I explain to him that I don’t see the point in sitting here, because the money he earns is enough, but I can’t find a job. I tell him that it’s difficult for me here because there are no relatives and friends, I don’t see my future here at all.

How can I convince him to return as a lady, and is it even worth doing it? I just feel like I'm wasting my time here!

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