How to return your husband's love?

How to return your husband's love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I dated for 6 years, then got married, married for 4 years. For 10 years we have practically never parted, we are always together and never get tired of each other. We were borndaughter , she will soon be 3 years old. Both were confident in each other and trusted each other.

But 3 months ago I started to notice thatMy husband moved away, stopped spending time with me and the child, started talking to me rudely, and was late at work. After a serious conversation about our relationship, he said that he wanted to leave. I asked if he cheated on me, to which he replied no, but he likes someone else. I understood that this was mineguilt , I was not a very good housewife and an inattentive wife, I was immersed in the development of the child and caring for her. It hit me like an electric shock, I realized that I still love him very much and don’t want to lose him (we are each other’s first in terms of intimate life and serious relationships).

He said that he wanted to think for a month and decide whether to leave or not. I was able to endure this nightmare only for a day, and then I said that I couldn’t do this anymore and was ready to leave. After that, he told me to forget everything, and he stayed with us. I made surprises and romantic evenings, began to pay attention not only to my daughter, but also to my husband, and began to improve in my household responsibilities. I take care of myself, although I haven’t stopped doing this. But I don’t feel love from him. He also spends most of his time at the computer, at work, the working day has become longer. On his one day off, he is also forced to work for a couple of hours. He doesn’t want to hear about looking for a new job, he says there is no normal one. Doesn't pay attention to the child. He doesn’t want to talk about relationships, he gets angry and says that I’m asking the same thing. Doesn't he understand That I’m still hurt and offended because he wanted to leave?! I feel itlove for him, and, as before, when we were still dating, then anger and resentment.

I want to feel loved again. How and is it possiblebring his feelings back to me? How can I make him want to spend time with me and the child? I told him that he undermined my self-confidence and offended me by wanting to leave and by the fact that he liked someone else. And he advised me to find a friend to regain self-confidence. I asked if he was sure that his friend would just communicate with me and not take me away from you. He said that he believes in friendship between a man and a woman. He is sure that I can’t live without him and won’t get away from him. I don’t know what to do, I can’t love and feel used, I don’t dare leave (I thought about it, but only so that he would begin to appreciate me more, and so that he would be afraid of losing me, so that he would understand that he loves me). I thinkfamily andRelationships are work and work on ourselves and on these relationships between two people. But I don’t want to and can’t work on relationships myself! Start another relationship, but why, there will be others tooproblems sooner or later, so why not work on those that exist now, especially since we are connecteda child and a wonderful past.

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