How to return your husband to your family?

How to return your husband to your family?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Zarina, I’m writing a continuation of my story “I’m afraid to leave my child without a father,” I need yourshelp and advice. My husband and I have been living separately for three weeks now, and he comes to visit the baby twice a week, but this doesn’t make it any easier for me. I don't know what to do, but I really want everythingbring it back, I'm going crazy in a three-room apartment. Today I wrote to my husband that I miss him very much, but he ignored this matter, and when he arrived, I went to other rooms, the main thing is not to be near him and not cry in front of him. Having done my chores, I told him that I would be in the room, if anything was needed, let him call me and went into another room, and he took the baby and came for me and said: “let’s go play football with my son.” I came and played with them. We played together, laughed at the baby, rejoiced at his independent steps, then we bathed him together and he put him to bed. And you know, I thought he would start a conversation and stay, but he immediately got ready and went to his parents.

I’ll tell you briefly why we broke up. He paid very little attention to us, sometimes we didn’t feel at all that we had him, and I was always alone with the child, and he didn’t help me with him, but to bathe and look after him while I was cleaning the house. And now, when he comes, he doesn’t leave the baby’s side, but perhaps so thatthe father devoted a lot of time to the baby, should he be kicked out or divorced? Yes, he started drinking every weekend, this definitely happened, I asked him not to drink, but it was useless. In the end, I couldn’t stand it and told him that he had made his choice and let him move in with his mother. He didn't even argue, he just took it and moved. He writes to me that he feels bad only becausethe child is not next to him, but is silent about me.

Lord, I feel terribly bad and empty without him, during the day I behave as if nothing had happened, and at night my soul is torn to pieces. I’m 24 years old, my baby is one year old, but I feel like I don’t want to live and I live only for the sake of my son. Good people, help me, how can I get him back? At least how to distract yourself so as not to suffer every evening. I want to return him, no matter what he is, but I don’t know how. We have a call for a lawyer on the 8thfile for divorce , but I don’t want to, and I won’t go there, and if he has seriously decided, then let him file for divorce himself, but I want to havefamily . What do you think, even if he has someone, do I still have a chance of getting him back, or not?

Although I didn't do anything wrong, andI’m a good wife , I always did everything around the house,My husband walked around well-fed, ironed, dressed, but he drank and played, it infuriated me, but now he has freedom, he does what he wants, when he wants. Only my son and I are suffering without him. What should I do? How to live? What to do? Should I show him my tears or should I be strong when he sees me? Please help me with advice.

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