How I fought for my love

How I fought for my love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story began more than 5 years ago, when I moved from my hometown and entereduniversity​ Literally at the very beginning of my first year, I fell in love with my physical education teacher, let's call him M. Every day I became more and more imbued with sympathy and irresistible interest for him. As soon as the opportunity arose, I started going to his classes, especially since we played basketball in pairs, and it was really very interesting and fun. My universitymy friends did not share my desire to attend physical education, and even for the sake of support they quickly got tired of going there with me. It seemed stupid to come alone, especially since I was already very embarrassed and worried.

There was another girl in our group who also liked him, let’s call her E. But unlike me, who was trying in every possible way to hide her, to put it mildly, sympathy, she clearly demonstrated her interest, which looked a little stupid. She didn’t leave his side, always nearby, a lot of questions, hints, despite the fact that I didn’t like her at all, we started talking. Physical education brought us together. I finally had a person to whom I could tell about how wonderful M. is, how much I like him, and she didn’t get tired of it, unlike my girlfriends and friends. We could talk about him for hours. Our common interest brought us together, and she invited me to her birthday . This was already our second course.

By this moment, I fell in love with M. even more, the world stopped when I saw him (it’s funny now remembering that period). Everyone said that it was all because of an unfulfilled desire. Once I achieve what I want, I didn’t know what I wanted. Did I want an intimate relationship with him? Did I want to date him? Don't know. It was simply vital for me to see him, watch him, talk to him. So, birthday. We were sitting at the holiday, it was quite boring and then Santa Claus appears (birthday on the eve of the new year). He starts handing out gifts, and even through his beard I understand that this is M. in person.

As a result, we sat the whole evening, the whole night, and the whole next day, drinking, chatting, having fun. E. doesn't drink at all, so she didn't fit in with our group a bit. I had a really great time, we parted ways and the next day, for the first time, I decided to take the initiative and invite him to meet again. I wrote a proposal on social media. networks. The answer was: “thank you, but let’s not turn an accident into a systemic routine.” This upset me terribly; I really wanted to spend time with him, but, alas.

Now let's get back to what he did at E's birthday party. As she said, she begged him for a long time, he did not agree, explaining that you are my students, and I am a teacher. What should I do at your birthday party? But then he asked who would be there and E. said that I would be there. And he immediately agreed. This made me incredibly happy. Moreover, E. said that he looked at me in such a way that he was clearly showing interest in me. Mylove for M. grew stronger and stronger, and at this time E. gotguy , also M. She began to constantly talk about him, about their relationship, and from all her stories a rather unsightly image of him emerged. He told her in plain text that he didn’t love her and didn’t want any relationship, and she herself came to his house, stood at the door, called until he let her in. In general, I was in shock and kept trying to dissuade her and reason with her. But all attempts were broken by her words: “I want children from him.”

Meanwhile, E. began to actively communicate with the friends of physical teacher M. on social media. networks. When I asked why, she said that she was just interested in learning about his life and thanks to her friends, who were very talkative, we learned a lot about him. He was married, loved her very much, and she cheated on him and left for someone else. The moment of their divorce happened just during our first year, which is why he was so incredulous. After that birthday, we met several times in a small group (E., the physical education teacher, me and someone else). I also loved him, but never decided to take the responsible step. And then he decided to take this step, called one fine evening and offered to meet. We met, then a couple of days later we met again and again. Then on December 21, 2012, he called and said, “I want to meet the end of the world with you.”

My happiness knew no bounds. We had a great day, then evening and night. He started asking me why I agreed to spend time with him, what I wanted from him. I was embarrassed and didn’t know what to answer. In the end, he somehow got out of me that I liked him. Then he askedThe question is, do I want to date him or do I just want an intimate relationship. I naturally chose the first, and he said that, unfortunately, he could only offer me the second option. Then he told me about his ex-wife, about this sad love story, said that I remind him of her in character, and that he is now completely unprepared for a relationship. The second option did not suit me at all, but I honestly don’t understand how it happened that we made love. In the morning, I felt very awkward, and when he left, he asked me not to tell anyone about this, so that there would be no conversations.

Naturally, I told, but only to those I trusted. E. calls me and says that hisI decided to give the guy who behaved like this to her a New Year’s gift and take him on a Euro tour. I tried again to remind her how he treated her and that he didn’t deserve it, but again my words were of no use. A day later she leaves with a guy about whom I have heard a lot, but whom I have never seen, although I wanted to meet. On the day E. left, the physical education teacher also disappeared; he was not on social media. networks, the mobile was turned off. My world collapsed. Firstly, because he took advantage of me and went off to have fun, and secondly, because of E’s behavior. I still don’t understand her. But we never had a chance to talk about this She dated the physical education teacher, passing him off as someone else, and constantly repeated that the physical education teacher liked me.

I was endlessly angry and heartbroken. Because of this, she acted very rudely. Upon their arrival, I wrote to her everything I thought about her and told her that I slept with him. She started calling me names. But for what? I didn’t even suspect that they were in some kind of relationship. True, when this was revealed, I realized that I could have guessed so many times, I simply did not notice her lies. I cried days and nights, did not eat, did not drink. Whenhappiness seemed so close, to receive such a stab in the back. My friends were fed up with their daily whining and reasoning about how this could have happened. Even when I told her that I slept with him, she started writing to meMom and threaten that she will find me, will talk to me seriously, that I am behaving very wrongly.

I stopped communicating with M. and going to physical education. He also seemed to be offended by me for what I told E. Life stopped. This was the 3rd course. At the university, theatrical performances were organized for me by E. with stories about the upcoming wedding. She stood and told this, as if to a friend, who had already been aware of everything for a long time, but at the same time she looked only at me, and tried to speak as loudly as possible, and so it was almostevery day . As a result, I had to come to physical education to get credit in order to work out absences. My anger towards him has already passed, but the resentment still remains. And somehow I didn’t even notice how we started communicating again. The two of us went to a cafe after a couple, he said that he was terribly unhappy, that nothing made him happy. I asked how it is if you get married. And he said that she became pregnant, that’s why he was getting married. He looked broken and depressed, saying that he didn’t love her. I decided to ask why he did this to me and E. He explained this by saying that he was always drawn to me, but I am too sociable, sociable, attracting attention, this reminds him of his wife, who broke his heart to pieces. And he never loved E. and doesn’t love her now, but she’s all so domestic, caring and quiet, and she starved him out because he wanted stability after the story with his wife.

He didn’t intend to marry E., but that’s what happened. I left having received the test. During the entire 4th year I came to physical education once, we chatted a little and that was it. I was still overwhelmed with feelings, but now I was powerless. They gave birth todaughter , E. did not go to university, I did not go to physical education, so I was completely unaware of their life. I missed him terribly, I really wanted to see him, but I understood that I would only make things worse for myself. I spent the summer after the 4th year simply amazing, I spent a month relaxing at the seaside, having fun and almost didn’t even think about it. I returned to the city where I studied only on September 9, I immediately rushed to meet with friends, and I returned home around 2 am. To say that I was surprised to see him on a bench near my house is an understatement. He had been sitting there for 4 hours already, but still didn’t dare call his cell phone.

We talked, then even came to see me, he left at night, and I lost my peace again. All the feelings returned with renewed vigor. This was already the 5th course. We sometimes started going for walks together, I sometimes came to physical education, and once we kissed. It all started in January. We began to see each other every day, he began to spend the night with me, first once a week, then more and more often, then he could not go home at all for 3 days, together every day, we spent the whole summer together in our small and very happy world . The most important thing is that with me he is infinitely caring, attentive and truly loving. We have been together for almost a year, and my, as everyone said, fanaticism has not gone away, I love him very much and want to love him alllife .

They never even lived with his wife E.husband andwife , they initially started living in different rooms (I even know this from her), he doesn’t love her, she constantly nags him, he will get a divorce, but the trouble is that she said, if you leave, the child will not see. I don’t know what we should do about it. Or maybe you ask if my conscience is tormenting me? No. Perhaps it’s very bad to do this, but I’ve loved him for 5 years, I suffered through the roof and I finally got what I wanted. I’m happy, he’s happy, and she only wanted children from him.

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