What should I have done?

What should I have done?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Recently our refrigerator broke down. There was just a moment when there was no money, my husband’s salary was delayed, and I was on maternity leave and earning nothing.

I had to buy a refrigerator on credit. I bought it myself through an online store. Due to health problems, I couldn’t go and choose a refrigerator in a regular store. And so, nice thing - you ordered, paid, and they brought it to you.

Since I was applying for a loan, it was necessary to conclude an agreement with the bank. I was offered a service - a bank employee would come to my home with a contract. I agreed.

Came youngthe man handed me all the necessary papers. I began to read the contract and all kinds of insurance. The man began to rush me, saying that he had a few more clients and had no time to wait. And I was afraid to sign important papers without looking. And I said that until I read everything, I wouldn’t sign anything. Let him wait, that’s his job.

The man suddenly became nervous and started shouting at me that he would miss his lunch break because of me, because then he would immediately have to go to the next client. I again replied that test-antibiotic.com was his job, so let him wait. In fact, I was already really afraid that the bank wanted to somehow deceive me. Why don't they want me to read the contract? So you can sign off your apartment to a bank employee without looking.

The man exclaimed angrily: “You don’t want me to go out onto the stairs and start having lunch there?” I offered to have lunch at my place, since we were sitting in my kitchen anyway.

I expected these to be just words. But the man took the lunch container out of his bag and began to eat. I went out into the corridor, several curses were thrown after me. Something like, “if you get sick like me, you’ll know.”

I was very unpleasant, but I only answered that he didn’t know what I was sick with. And it’s true that I’m not the most joyful person when I’m sick. With difficulty pulling myself together, I studied the contract. Everything was fine, I signed it. She gave it to the man who was cheerful after lunch. And we said goodbye.

This conversation left an unpleasant aftertaste. I don’t really believe in mysticism, test-antibiotic.com, but won’t I feel even worse now after the curses of this bank employee? I have enough problems as it is. And I don’t rush at people when performing my official duties just because I’m sick and they want to clarify something for themselves about the matter. And it often happened that I didn’t manage to have lunch on time, but I didn’t curse anyone for it. In general, I hate this manner of shouting curses after the offender when it comes to some little thing, for example, someone did not let someone through somewhere in transport.

Perhaps this minor situation is not a reason to write here. But it torments meThe question is , did I act fairly?


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