How I realized that I was beautiful

How I realized that I was beautiful
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

From early childhood, I was known as the “ugly duckling” among my peers. The boys teased me with a malicious grin, calling me different names, and the girls treated me completely evenly, since they did not see me as a potential threat.

Our school had its own standard of beauty, and I didn’t fit into it at all. A busty, thick-cheeked girl with a languid gaze was considered a beauty. I even remember her name, her name was Tanya, but everyone called her Tanyusha. She behaved the way girls in her position behave. It felt like Tanya didn’t see anyone in front of her, and she absolutely didn’t care what was going on around her. Her best friend was her little mirror, and her entire devoted retinue of simpler girls invariably accompanied her literally everywhere!

To be honest, I couldn’t understand what was so beautiful about her? Potato nose, thin lips. Even a ton of makeup couldn't save the situation.

And then one day, as usual, I came home from school and, bursting into tears, told my mother about my problems that were haunting me. Mom listened to me, took me to the mirror and said: “You are beautiful!”

And from that moment on, it was as if there was a revolution inside me. I began to take care of myself, style my hair beautifully, apply makeup correctly, dress stylishly, and by the time I graduated from school, I turned from a gray mouse into a completely attractive girl who caught the gaze of men.

Already a student, I was traveling on a passenger train with my girlfriends home for the weekend. We had a nice conversation about nothing. Three young guys approached us, one of whom I recognized as my school bully. They began to get to know us, and when I said my initials, he babbled in amazement: “It’s amazing how you’ve changed.”

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