How I covered up someone else's sin

How I covered up someone else's sin
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This real story happened many years ago and, to be honest, I am very proud of myself that I resolved everything so quickly and successfully.

So, the time of action is the mid-90s. A large, recently occupied communal apartment on Petrogradskaya, which we are putting in order. We are me (I have my own thriving business), mydaughter from my first marriage (she is 5 years old), my secondhusband , as they said then, a businessman, is 16 years older than me and histhe son from his first marriage, a 19-year-old handsome student, whose hormones simply do not allow him to live in peace. No, I must immediately disappoint everyone - I did not have an affair with my son. True, I still had to break several plates on his head, but all attempts to pester me ended instantly.

And now we have guests. My business partnershusband and wives (respectable people with family, they have nothing to do with it). My husband's companion, his school friend and good friend with his young (even younger than me) wife - a girl from the provinces, shy, economical, surprisingly modest, her husband treated her as something between a servant and a room dog No, of course, he loved her, spoiled her, but he looked down on her and tried in every possible way to emphasize this. I'll call them Andrey and Masha.

The evening was a great success, everyone was in a great mood, people were looking around the apartment, going out to smoke, then we gathered at the table again, and suddenly Andrei asked: “Where is Masha?” I smile and say: “In the kitchen, I think.” And I understand that not only Masha, but also my husband’s son is nowhere to be found. I look in my son’s room - it’s empty, I run to the kitchen - there’s no one. Ban bathroom door.

The situation is clear. What to do? If the truth is revealed, then not only will a wonderful evening be ruined by a disgusting scandal, but the friendship will come to an end, and my husband’s reputation will suffer, and his joint work with his partner, and therefore the very existence of the company will be in jeopardy. I run into the room and whisper to Andrey: “Masha is in the bathroom, she tore her tights, I gave her mine, now she’ll change and come.” I run to the kitchen, wrap the ice in a towel, stand guard under the door and pray that no one comes to this far corner of the apartment. The door opens slightly, my son’s head pokes out, and almost simultaneously I hear Andrei’s steps. I say loudly: “Get out of here, I’ll help her myself, thank you!”, I rush into the bathroom, shove a towel with ice into Masha’s hands and whisper: “Cover your happy face, fool.” I open the water, and at the same moment Andrei appears on the threshold. I turn to him: “Masha’s nose is bleeding. Does this happen to her often? Help me take her to the bedroom.”

The evening was saved, the business too, if I were Masha, when she told me what she was suffering from her husband, I would have taken revenge not once, but a thousand times. Then Masha left Andrey, I played a significant role in this, he, without knowing this, complained to us: “I buy her everything, but she...”. The old libertine who hoped thatthe wife will be a dumb slave! By the way, Masha, when leaving, took only her things, the girl turned out to be not only diligent, but also smart, now she lives well in the USA. My husband's son walked around for a few more years, then settled down. One of his girlfriends became the new wife of his father, to whom, by the way, I told this story after I left him. I wish him not very branchy horns. And what, gentlemen of truth, what do you think I should have done?

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