How I got to boarding school

How I got to boarding school
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I live in Belarus and the main difference between the Belarusian school education system and the Russian one is a 10-point rather than a 5-point rating scale. There are other differences, such as those related to final exams. I won’t lie that I was allegedly taken away from my parents for some small household thing like dust on the windowsill or the refrigerator not being full enough, it was all my fault.

Every year at our school there was (and is) routine vaccination of students against the flu. But, of course, not everyone was vaccinated, and more often than not, the number of vaccine doses received exceeded the number of people vaccinated. The nurse who was friendly with my motherrelationship , I usually vaccinated her too (at my urgent request), blaming it on one of the students who refused vaccination. But when I was in 9th grade,Mom kept delaying the vaccination, although I regularly reminded her (she is generally skeptical about vaccination). And one day, walking past the school first aid station, I looked into the nurse and asked about vaccines. But it turned out that the vaccination campaign had already been completed. Angry, having already left the office, I called my mother and then said: “Marya Ivanovna (name changed) is a creature.” And then, turning around, I saw in horror that Marya Ivanovna was standing behind me and was hearing everything!

I had a severe hysteria (not for the first time). As luck would have it, the next office was the director's office. I had other sins at school, for example, stealing plastic bags from the locker room in order to then throw them down the drain, while carelessly scattering the things lying in them nearby, harassing a busty biology teacher, copying English verbatim from textbooks - in general, on level of calling parents to the carpet. But the story with the nurse was the last straw.

Since I was already in the 9th grade, I had a certain chance of not ending up in an orphanage, but of entering a school or college. They try not to send teenagers taken from their parents who were deprived of parental rights at the age of 15-16 to typical orphanages and boarding schools, where younger ones inevitably end up, and look for more acceptable options. College is the best of them all. Alas, in my case the problem was, first of all, myself. As a result, in the 10th grade I went to a boarding school. But this was not quite an ordinary boarding school, or rather, it was actually not a boarding school at all, but a kind of department on the basis of a regular school located on the other side of the city. There were only five teenagers in our group taken away from their parents (then another girl came), and a separate class was not even allocated for us, we were only a subgroup of the regular 10 “A” class.

In addition to us, the dregs of society, several ordinary students of this class also studied in our subgroup. First of all, there are three “supervisors” of school activists assigned to us to keep an eye on us (one of them is a video blogger who is currently gaining popularity, but is not yet very popular). Since these were, in fact, the same students as ourselves, they were not too strict with us, the main supervisory function was, of course, performed by teachers. In addition to the “supervisors”, we studied in a group with the “bad boys” and two ordinary poor students of this class -guy andgirl _ The guy , in addition to problems with academic performance, hadproblems also with behavior. An adult guy who had problems with the musculoskeletal system also studied with us and therefore attended classes with his mother. In terms of mental abilities, he was superior not only to all of us at once, but also to most of the students in the “main” subgroup. We attended lessons in which unforeseen situations were possible, such as chemistry and physics, only with our “small” subgroup, the rest - geography, literature - with the whole class.

One of those taken from my parents was a girl from my house, from the next door, intelligent, calm, and almost an excellent student in terms of her studies. Only later, after graduating from school, did I find out that she ended up with us becauseher father was an alcoholic. Another girl, a cheeky, fatal brunette, was registered in the children's room of the police after a fight with her mother because of her unwillingness to clean the apartment, and the purchase of vodka for her friends (she looked very mature for her age) determined her end up with us. Two more girls were from a suburban village. One of them is from a fairly decent, but very poor family, and I just don’t want to talk about the second. The one that came later, at the end of 10th grade, was from the other end of the country, from the Vitebsk region, but its background is unknown to me.

In general, we were required to be on school grounds during the school week and could go home on weekends. But this was the first year when “orphanage children” appeared in our, the most ordinary school before that, and the guards, although they were warned, did not particularly monitor our movements outside the school, and sometimes, when classes did not last until late, we ran away home. But it was far from home, so from late autumn to early spring we rarely got home during the school week. Thanks to the efforts of my parents, I managed to go home at least for the holidays, although the school administration was not going to let us go for more than weekends and calendar holidays like New Year.

Our teachers were ordinary teachers of this school, the same ones who taught ordinary children. And I have a rather positive opinion about most of them. The school administration - the headmistress and several head teachers - behaved most strictly; it was from them that the main demands and prohibitions came, for example, the requirement to comply with business style clothing. I was not ready to put up with the latter and at every school meeting when this issue was raisedquestion , I started to rebel: “what about winter? Can’t you wrap yourself in a sweater?” However, they did not strictly monitor the students’ dress code, there were no penalties for non-compliance with business style, and on my part it would have been more advantageous to remain quietly silent, without attracting attention to myself. But this, alas, is not about me. One day, one of the head teachers came straight into our class and reminded us of the need to maintain a business style, and then I could not stand it and insulted her, according to her calculations, as many as 17 times. My father, immediately called to school, remarked: “What, have you done the math?”

A special story is mineclassmate , the same one who got caught buying vodka for her peers. She was a beautiful girl, mature beyond her years. My love for her was absolutely unrequited, she even flirted with the “supervisor” - the future blogger. And, to put it bluntly, my attention to her consisted primarily of grabbing her chest and other soft places. Soon the school administration found out about this. At the beginning of the 11th grade, after the first quarter, her case was reviewed, and she returned to her home school near her home. I was so unlucky and had to finish my studies in this semi-boarding school until the end of 11th grade.

Preparation for the Geography Olympiad became a respite. They were allowed to prepare for the city and then the republican stages at home, partially exempting them from attending classes. I failed the Republican Olympiad, and again had to spend the last quarter entirely in a boarding school. In general, participation in the Olympiad and a number of literary competitions (I succeeded in this before) had a positive impact on my reputation, and by the beginning of the fourth quarter of the 11th grade, I was allowed to return to the school closest to my home (neighboring from the one where I studied before, but not to that one, because that is the gymnasium). But the administration of the semi-boarding school persuaded my parents (and me) to finish my studies here, otherwise my achievements in the Olympiad and competitions would have been transferred to the school to which I would have transferred, which, of course, was unprofitable for the administration of the boarding school. In exchange, they promised not to ask me too strictly and, in general, they kept the promise.

In fact, of us scum, I formally settled down in life worse than everyone else, but I don’t regret anything and I consider my current place optimal and ideal for myself. The girl I was in love with went to Turkey to work in a hotel, either as an administrator, or as an animator, or as a cleaner, and quickly leftmarry a local Turk. She rarely contacted her family, and after the terrible earthquake that happened in Turkey in February 2023, contact with her was completely interrupted. Even her relatives do not know whether she is alive now; they hope that the destruction of the local communications infrastructure is to blame. One of those from the suburbs entered a medical college on the other side of the country, and a girl from my house went to the Belarusian State Medical Institute, supposedly to become a dentist. And her father, an alcoholic, passed away not so long ago.

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