How I revealed my girlfriend's secrets

How I revealed my girlfriend's secrets
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am twenty two years old. My exThe girl is a couple of years older than me. We dated for a year and a half. We lived together almost throughout this period. There was an idyll between us in every sense of the word.

But at some point ourThe relationship was rocky, we decided to separate for a month. Moreover, the separation was painful for me. But for her, as I now understand, not very much.

Within a month after the breakup, she began dating her friend. And our reunion again after that was very strange. For another six months we tried to live together. But everything in our relationship with her was no longer the same. There was no longer the same trust as before.

In the end I left her. A month later I found an unlocked mailbox on my computer. I became curious, looked and learned a lot. A week after we separated, she started dating her boss. And a week later, he invited her to move in with him to live together. She agreed.

At first all this made me angry and offended, but then I was even happy. Apparently it was necessary, andthe guy is not bad, he can provide for her. Maybe she will be happy with him. All the same, we won’t be able to be together with her anymore.

Only in the correspondence, I found a couple more guys with whom she also has relationships. Having already started dating him, but before moving in, she cheated on him. More than once, and not with just one guy.

stood in front of meThe question is , can I tell him everything or not? Or maybe let them figure it out themselves. After all, one might say that now this doesn’t concern me at all. It’s a pity, of course, everything started so well with her.

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