How I went on holiday to Turkey

How I went on holiday to Turkey
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share with you my life story. This year my vacation fell in mid-October. The ideal option would be to go to Turkey (all-inclusive hotel, sea, inexpensive trip at the end of the season).

Based on reviews, I chose a good hotel in Obakey, 4 stars. The trip cost 24 thousand rubles for 9 days 8 nights. I had to go alone -my friend had no financial opportunity, and I broke up with my boyfriend shortly before my vacation.

The day of departure arrived. I flew direct from Pegasus for 4 hours. From winter to summer. After going through passport control at Antalya airport, I quickly found the Pegasus counter, where they told me the number of my bus and showed me where it stood.

On the bus, while we were waiting for other tourists, I met a young man who was traveling to Turkey and the sea in general for the first time.

Finally everyone gathered and the representative from Pegasus, Turkisha guy about 20 years old announced that we would drive for 3-4 hours, the nearest stop would be in an hour at the market, where we could go to the toilet and buy water.

The guide was taciturn and unfriendly, his inappropriate joke about the fact that we were all being taken to work at a Turkish construction site like Ravshan and Dzhamshut really angered me. On the way he spoke little. He muttered that I would tell you when you already know everything.

The nearest market turned out to be very expensive. Imagine a 0.5 liter bottle of plain water costing $5! I didn’t buy it; mint chewing gum saved me and my new friend from thirst.

After 2.5 hours we arrived at my hotel. I exchanged phone numbers with the young man, he said that he was going to the village of Mahmutlar and, if possible, if he didn’t get lost, he would come to visit me.

My hotel was among nice shopping streets, 2 houses from the sea. At the reception I filled out a form and was warmly greeted by a young Turkish woman, Umie, and Akhmet, the porter. Instead of keys, I was given a tattered plastic card with a magnetic stripe.

Akhmet took me to the 3rd floor, my windows faced the street, the room had two beds, Akhmet said, don’t pay attention, you have a single standard room. We will not move anyone into your second bed. I quickly took a shower, changed clothes and, as if on wings, flew to the bar.

The Turkish air was dizzy. At the bar I met Russian women from other cities in Russia who were 15-25 years older than me. I quickly became friends with Svetlana, a sweet and attractive woman who was 16 years older than me - then we went everywhere together.

Dinner went very well. Before going to bed, we took a short walk along the street, and in the morning we agreed that after breakfast we would go to the sea together. The next morning I had to go to the reception and wait for our representative from Pegasus to give my tourist voucher for registration.

Many tourists were perplexed: why give a voucher when they already have all the information in the database?! An unkempt woman of unknown age, 207 kg of cellulite, sat on a sofa in the shape of Pegasus. I'm kidding, but it was definitely 120 kg. The fat hung under the tight skirt. I said hello to her. She introduced herself as Olga.

“Olga,” I say, “please take my voucher if you need to register it and I’ll go to the sea.”

To which Olga answered me sharply:

- Yes, go wherever you want! If you don't want to listen to me, don't! And I don’t need your voucher! In half an hour all new tourists will gather, if you don’t come, it’s yoursproblems .

- Olga, why are you so aggressive? You are Russian, Russians must meet each other.


- I told you everything, do what you want.

I laughed:

- I'll wait half an hour, so be it. I understand your anger at the world around you: because of your build, you haven’t had a man for a long time, so you bite, right?

Olga blushed and buried her face in her laptop. I didn't learn anything new. Olga, having gathered all the tourists, said that none of us should forget about our departure dates and about excursions from Pegasus. She quickly marked our vouchers in her book and returned them to us. I didn’t put any marks on the voucher.

Two days flew by so quickly and imperceptibly. On the third day a problem appeared. My tattered plastic card cracked on the magnetic stripe and I couldn’t get into my room.

I went to the reception desk, where another Turkish woman was sitting, in whose eyes one could read hostility towards Russians, I was soon convinced of this. I approached her and spoke in English:

— Good afternoon, my card is broken. Replace my card, please.

The Turkish woman took my card, examined it and said: you broke the card, according to the hotel rules, you are charged $8. Pay and go. I was indignant: they gave me an old card 3 days ago, I understand that if my card were completely new, there would be something to pay for! And I think you should give me a new card for free! The Turkish woman called our bath attendant Vitalik (a cheerful goofball from Azerbaijan). I explained the situation to him, he translated my words to the Turkish woman.

The Turkish woman remained adamant. I say: what if I don’t have eight dollars? What then? Will I spend the rest of the night under the door of my room?! In the end, I gave the Turkish woman 8 bucks, after which she took a new plastic card, programmed it, wrapped the card in a cardboard business card holder and handed it to me, hissing something in Turkish.

Our indignation knew no bounds when Sveta and I approached the hotel manager at a restaurant over dinner, a tall, healthy man with an aquiline nose and long, bald, greasy black hair named Hussein.

The bartender Mustafa helped me translate the essence of my problem to Hussein. To which Hussein waved his hand and said: they did everything right and left, didn’t even listen. I was furious.

While walking around the local shops, Sveta and I met a Turk named Mitin, he was the owner of two shops on the same street with oriental souvenirs. We cheated him out of gifts, I bought a beautiful oriental lamp from him for $20, and he asked $45 for it.

The three of us walked for several days, he took Sveta and me on excursions, gave us flowers, and took us to a cafe. And then the hour of reckoning came - it came down to sex. I thought: why not try? Moreover, no one will know.

He rented a hotel room not far from my hotel and was very much against contraception. I insisted. In the process, he decided to cheat and with a sharp movement threw off the condom, and I could not understand where it was. In the end, it turned out that it was deep inside me, and I couldn’t get it out on my own. Mitin himself went to get it. It turns out that for some timesex was unprotected.

It made me shiver - you never know. With such a flow of tourists, he may be sleeping with one in five without protection. Then he asked for forgiveness and said that he did it on purpose, that I now belong to him and we don’t need condoms. I was scared, then in my room I doused myself with Miramistin, and my soul felt a little better.

In the evening we were sitting with Sveta in our hotel for dinner in a restaurant, when suddenly a plump woman flies ingirl _ And straight to the bar, he asks the bartender for ice. I went up to her to find out what happened. Here's her story:

— I just arrived at the hotel, my first time in Turkey, and went for a walk through the streets an hour before dinner. I saw a small dog sitting, I stopped and bent down to pet it.

Suddenly a Turkish boy, about 6-7 years old, runs out, grabs a large stone and hits me in the face with all his might! What if he hit me in the temple? Someone from his parents came running to the screams, it turned out that the boy was the owner of this dog and he was protecting it.

I forgave him, but I was so confused, I don’t even know what to do! I never saw this girl again; they said her face was very swollen.

At the bazaar, Sveta and I got a local Turk,the tea seller , having heard that we were Russians, said that his dignity (three Soviet letters) was more than 23 cm and offered to go to his car chiki-chiki for a hundred dollars. I say to the impudent person: a million euros in cash and immediately in your hands, then let's go! He laughed and walked away.

There was an interesting pattern in the Turkish shops: for the Germans the Turks offered very good prices with big discounts, but for ours they charged ours three times as much! You have to bargain with the Turks, you have to drop up to one third of the price they say.

If a Russian girl arrived alone, it means she is a prostitute, if she comes two and unaccompanied by men, she is a prostitute. Then Artem, whom I met on the bus upon arrival in Antalya, came to see me.

It turns out that I had to ask permission from the Honorable Hussein to sit with my guest by the pool. Permission was graciously given. It was hot, Sveta went on an excursion, I offered Artem beer , brought two glasses, then another Turkish woman working at the bar ran past, noticing us, she began to scream and wave her arms. Then she ran away to the hairy one. Then again to me: “You drinkbeer , he can't! He’s taking a sip, I saw everything!”

I took the glass of beer from Artyom’s hands and told her: “It’s okay, he only took the glass to hold it!” Come on,” the Turkish woman screamed again. Then the receptionist said something to her and she left. Artyom and I were in shock. That's the infection - it came knocking!

I accompanied Artem to the bus and returned to the reception. Umie was on shift and she said: the hotel owner should give your guest a free sip of beer as a gift. We'll give you $4 back for your card.

I was able to explain to the hotel owner about my old card, she said that this thin plastic was very impractical and thin, as it turned out that every second tourist’s cards were broken, and they charged $4 from each. I scared the owner that I would tell about it on the Internet. I thanked Umie and went to rest.

I quickly fell out with a Turkish fan. He forbade me to leave the hotel and walk the streets. I was not supposed to talk to any man except him, and in the evening, after his work, there was to be mandatory sex without protection. To which I categorically stated: “No!” Mitin says: then get out of here, I don’t need you anymore. I laughed: who are you to tell me? That's where we parted.

On the last day of my vacation, I relaxed on the beach with tourists from our hotel. We sunbathed on towels, sunbeds cost $4, each had a bag of water and fruit. We look, a young Turk about 28 years old came down to the beach with two small dogs, walks along the beach with them, they shit on the sand and on the tourists’ things.

One German almost needed a towel. He ran up in time and swung his towel at the Turk. The Turk did not answer, chuckled and headed in our direction. OurThe girls waved their hands and told me, tell him to leave here. No need to walk dogs here! I turn to the Turk, who was driving his dogs straight onto our towels. “Please, go away!”

I tell him and add in Russian: there is no need for your dogs to shit on our things. The Turk’s face changed, came close to me, and began waving his finger at my nose: “You’re Russian, you’re in Turkey, shut up!”

I was indignant. Why shut up, why are you being rude, we politely ask you to move away. The Turk turned purple: “Shut up, shut up, otherwise I’ll hit you!” I say, I’ll bury you and the dogs in the sand right now, just touch me! He walked away, then returned, shaking with anger. “I'll hit you!” he shouted.

My companions were silent, they were scared. Even the Germans became quiet and everyone watched the scene. Nobody stood up for me. I tell him my last argument: “Do you want problems? I'm calling the police!" “Russian bitch,” he said, turned around and left with the dogs. I didn’t go to the beach again that day.

Returning to the hotel, I wanted to go to the hammam; the travel agency told me that visiting the hammam and washing in it is free. Our Azerbaijani bath attendant politely told me that my agency had misinformed me. The hammam costs $30 and the sauna is also $30. For free, I can only lie on the stones in the hammam, and then only if there are no tourists there. It sounded very insulting.

In the evening I spoke with Hussein in English. He says to me: “You are Russians, why, when you go to a foreign country, don’t you know international English? Shame on you? Russian girls sleep around, drink a lot, behave provocatively and you want to be treated well?

I tell the hairy one: “You shouldn’t lump everyone with the same brush. If our girls are so bad, then why do your men so insistently drag them into bed? On the street they almost grab your hand!” In the end, each of us remained with our own opinion.

In Turkey, I greeted Turks in Turkish, when you tell them “Meraba - hello”, “gule-gule - goodbye”, add “effendi” or “bey” to his name - they are ready to carry it in their arms.

Upon my return, I discovered an unpleasant “gift” from that souvenir seller. When I went to the gynecologist and took tests, it turned out that he “gave” me something bad. Very unpleasant, good thing it’s not fatal. This is science to me, I guess.

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