How I followed my boyfriend through his page on social media. networks

How I followed my boyfriend through his page on social media. networks
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my boyfriend through work: we don’t work together, in related fields. We started communicating on social networks, then, as expected, there was a bouquet and candy period.

When the conversation turned to exes, he said that before me he had been once with a classmate (getting a second degree). Well, there was and there was - before me, after all.

And everything worked out for us, and we began to live together. But one day on the computer he did not close his page on the social network. I was a little tormented by curiosity, I didn’t want to make a deal with my conscience, but curiosity still prevailed. And I read the correspondence with a friend, they say, I’m choosing from two girls, I don’t know who to choose, and she’s good, and this one too. Second, classmate,She’s married and doesn’t intend to get a divorce, so I’ll probably end up with her. The correspondence was from the period when we already met.

Naturally, I didn't like it very much. With the very second young ladytheir correspondence was prudently deleted. Having set myself the goal of finding out the password for my boyfriend’s page, I achieved it and began to carefully monitor his correspondence,, in order to read it faster than he deletes it.

The session has begun, and this madam writes to him, saying, let's go to the cinema. He agreed. I call him and also invite him to the cinema, he has to agree, and in the correspondence he tells Madame that his plans have changed and he needs to go to his brother. A couple of my careless phrases - and he realized that I was watching him, but he didn’t show it. And then the next day he calls me and says that he is now texting with his ex, who is asking about me. He asked if I hadn’t written anything to her. I answer that no, and of course, curiosity takes over, and I enter his page. And there is correspondence, like you are my only and the best, this will never happen again, now it’s not the same at all, but shouldn’t we start again.

I was very angry. A friend says, yes, it’s obviousdivorce , he saw that you were following him and was provoking you! But no, I didn’t listen to her, almost in hysterics I called him and advised to change the password on the page. I hang up, he calls back, but I don’t answer. He writes an SMS saying that it’s all a scam, that I got what I wanted when I started following him. And that in general it was this ex of his who proposed to scam me like this.

I was very offended by him. That he deceived me so cruelly that an outside young lady helped him with this and even came up with the text for him. And that they laughed there and had fun while they were discussing all this... But I also understood that I hadthere is guilt : why start watching, there was no reason. She was before me, continue closeHe had no intention of having a relationship with her. Both, in short, are good. As a result, I had to take a bottle of cognac and talk to him all night. They apologized to each other and seemed to have sorted everything out.

Since then I haveI trust the guy , but he doesn’t hide his pages and doesn’t hide his phone. ButCommunication with that ex of his is still prohibited for us, because there was no need to involve her in our relationship!

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