How I Became a Sunday Dad

How I Became a Sunday Dad
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Why in our country during a divorceDoes the child almost always stay with the mother? Don't I have the same right to a son after a divorce as a wife?

We divorced when our son was six years old. I love him, and he is also very attached to me, I understood then that ourdivorce , first of all, will affect the child, but it was already pointless to live together, they became strangers with his wife, stopped understanding each other, did not talk for weeks. So divorce was the only way out for us, but now the son wanted to live with both of us. My wife promised not to interfere with our meetings, and so I became a Sunday dad. At first it was very hard, I missed my son, I called every evening to talk to him, I often wanted to cry when Romka asked if I would be back soon. How could I tell him that now I will always live separately?

After the divorce, he moved to his parents, sowife reluctantly gave her son for the weekend, she was afraid that myMom will turn Roma against her. But from the very beginning, I forbade my mother to lament and talk with her grandson on this topic, for a child, both parents should be good. This will lead to nothing, especially since both were to blame for the break. On the contrary, I wanted to constantly prove to my son how much we all love him, in order to at least a little smooth out the stress that he experienced. Maybe that's why I managed to maintain a warm relationship with him, despite the fact that I have long had anotherfamily and eatdaughter . Children communicate, but they don’t have special family feelings, maybe because my ex-wife also got outmarried , and the son is there, there is not one in the family, there is a younger brother.

Now he is already 20 years old, I pay for my studies, in addition I help with money. After graduation, he promised to donate a car. I constantly wanted my son to live with me, but I understood that this was impossible not only because of my ex-wife. My current wife would never agree to this, and somewhere in my heart I understand her and do not blame her. Thanks to her and for always treating him with respect, never said a bad word about his mother, when he was still a schoolboy, he often visited us. It's a shame that this is how life works. After the divorce, I successfully arranged my personal life, but the emotional wound from separation from my son remained forever. I don’t want him to ever experience the same thing, and when Roma said that he wanted to live separately with a girl, he rented an apartment for them, let them look at each other before starting a family.

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