How I became the fourth wife of the man I love

How I became the fourth wife of the man I love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started so beautifully. We met him through mutual friends. Vlad, adultman , he’s 39 years old, I’m 22, I painfully broke up with my boyfriend a month before we met. And he is married for the second time,my wife cheated and left. Two children remained with him - 4 and 6 years old. Boy and girl. And furtherdaughter from her first marriage, who is 14 years old.

He ran after me, called, wrote, flowers, trips, looked after me, tried. At first I just felt sorry for him, well, he was unlucky with his wife. And then I fell madly in love. I went to see him in another city every weekend. I have a job, a contract. He has all the weekends, vacations and so on. Each time by train or electric train it takes four hours on the road, four there, four back. Gifts, sweets for children. And so on for a whole year.

And then I began to find out about his past. More precisely, it made itself known. He didn’t immediately, but two months later said that he had another child! Daughter . As it turned out, he got married for the first time at the age of 25 (in Sveta), a girl was born, who is now 14 years old, lives with us. I lived with my wife for five years, then they divorced, as I said,the relationship began to deteriorate, she cheated on him, and then he cheated on her. Divorce .

I lived a free life for a couple of years. A marathon for women, there were a lot of them. I always talked to my daughter and helped her. I met a simple girl at my work (let it be Nadya). He is the boss, she is an accountant. Roman . She immediately became pregnant. Miscarriage. Againpregnancy and miscarriage again. The relationship also began to deteriorate. After every quarrel she went to her mother. He warned me - if you leave again, I won’t accept you again. Life was so-so until she became pregnant again. He didn't particularly hope that she would carry the child. After another quarrel, she packed her things and left, pregnant. She wanted him to come for her, I don’t know what was there, or she wanted to manipulate him with the help of pregnancy or it was hormones. And he became interested in another young lady (Nastya is 22 years old, an accessible young lady, by that time she had been hanging out with all the sailors in the town). She was from the next office, she kept making eyes, and didn’t let anyone pass. She also has test-antibiotic.comthere was a guy , a sailor, the first voyage, she promised to wait, but she didn’t wait, she rushed at the rich Pinocchio.

Vlad complained jokingly that he had no one to cook after Nadya left, and she asked to cook, seemingly in a friendly way. She cooked dinner and then stayed with him. This is literally three or four days after Nadya left! After a while she said thatpregnant too (I wanted to tie it in every possible way). She proposed getting married. He fell in love. We got married. We got married. But she became pregnant only two months after the wedding. I deceived. But he was in love and forgave everything. Meanwhile, Nadya was born healthydaughter four months after her ex's weddinghusband . It’s even scary to imagine how she was able to withstand all this and did not kill him along with this girl who knew that he was pregnantthe girl took him away anyway. True, he met Nadya from the maternity hospital, but he didn’t give her her last name, he helped with money and saw her daughter, and bought her a house and a car. He is not a poor man, in general. Tossed between two women. My conscience was tormenting me.

I doubted it, but lived with Nastya, the long-awaited one was bornson _ I opened a cafe for my beloved (but my dear didn’t like to work and didn’t plan to, the cafe closed at a loss), gave away my car, and bought another one for myself. Nastenka needed nothing - gold,money , vacation trips. But sometimes she stole money from her husband in secret, and then said that she was sick and took it fortreatment , and recovered dramatically when everything was discovered. Everything was fine until Vladlenchik realized that his beloved Nastenka loved to lie, about everything and constantly, and sometimes she got carried away so much that she could not stop, even in small things. Or maybe she was just a dreamer. He closed his eyes. I loved,family . After the birth of the first, I immediately became pregnant with the second. Girl. Gave birth. But by that time he had already finally understood what she was. The relationship deteriorated, and when Nastya became pregnant and lost her third child, it became even worse. But these were flowers.

One day, Vlad’s friend came to visit them, and Vlad himself was hospitalized at that time. My wife and children are at home, and a visiting friend is tired and on the road with It’s eleven at night, Nastya is getting ready somewhere. He says it's for bread. This friend, without thinking twice, calls Vlad and tells him that his wife is going out to buy bread at such a late hour. Vlad didn’t believe it until the last moment. I checked, followed (smart program on the phone) and was convinced that the wife was cheating with a young and handsome man and had been for quite some time. I was readyforgive . Loved it, and so did the children. His friends tried to reason with him, but he didn’t listen. But you can’t mend a broken cup, the wife continued to run to her lover, and swore to her husband that she wouldn’t do it again. Vlad finally realized that everything was in vain. Filed fordivorce _ And the ex-wife moved with the children to her parents. But Nastya didn’t last long without her husband’s money, she left the children to her mother, and she went off to conquer the big city. He took the children with him.

Then there were attemptsbring back Nadya! By that time, she also had a man, whom she also took away from the family. Yes, she had no desire to take on the trailer in the form of her rival’s two children. The case ended in an affair, while the Nadya's husband was on a business trip for a couple of months. In short, it didn’t work out with Nadya again. She didn’t want to fill herself with the same bumps, she came to her senses. Then there was a series of Vlad’s wanderings among available girls, whose plans did not include babysitting Vlad’s brood, but only extracting money from him and having fun at resorts. He became depressed. There was a temporary young lady, until the moment we met, young, beautiful, for health in general, and to get out into people. She wanted to get married , but she immediately confronted her with a fact: I don’t want to work, I want someone to provide for me, I don’t need your children.” She had her own child from her first marriage. And then he met me. He broke up with that young lady immediately, according to mutual friends.

I had only one serious relationship before him, but the guy treated me like a pig. And I idolized him. I even hit him once. In short, patience ran out, I left, there were several attempts on his part to bring me back, but I was smart enough not to do this. I met Vlad. I fell in love, there was something to compare with. treated me well. Even when I was on a business trip for three months, he waited for me and even came once. After a year of meeting, he offered to move. By that time, I still didn’t know everything about him. She accepted the children and loved them. I simply could not live without them, without him. But she became very jealous of him after she began to find out about everything; he had too many women, and he had to see them all the time in the small town often.

I found reasons everywhere. He traveled with an accountant, a woman of about 30, to another city for work at night once a week once every two weeks, in his own car and did not tell me about it. I found out, looked at my phone, I had never done this before. I saw the correspondence and said it was a joke (they joked about stopping on the way back tobeer and massage). It was very disappointing. I was about to leave. I asked for forgiveness, I said nothing happened. I seemed to believe it, but the crack was too big. And there were quite a few similar reasons. Then he proposed, I agreed, I still loved him. But she could no longer trust. I was still working, and when I moved I got a job right away, since no one gave me much money, and I was embarrassed to talk about money, I went to two-day shifts 2/4, then went home, cooking, cleaning, children. I spent everything I earned, the salary wasn’t very big, but still. I allowed myself little things. He said that a woman should work, otherwise stupid thoughts will appear in her head. And I worked. He made purchases like a winter jacket, or a dress, shoes, boots. The house was his, he paid the utilities. It happened when I was away for a day and friends invited me to weddings, birthdays, etc., he went with the children, but he didn’t always talk about it, he said that he forgot to say. I was offended, angry, jealous. And his answer is simple: “you don’t trust me!”

And after the incident with the accountant, I broke down. Then I reproached him for this all the time. It was like an illness. Mylove began to border on hatred. She became irritable, even with children. I was disappointed in everything. I asked before, let me quit, I’ll travel with you myself. Why this work. Because of her, everything is falling apart. I have enough work and home. But this is a matter of principle for him, from work only on maternity leave and nothing else. The work is nervous, and even these jokes are different. I started taking sedatives so as not to break down. Not very helpful. Resentment took precedence over love. Yes, I see him too, it pushed me away. They both cooled down. And I organized a trip for the New Year , but my work didn’t work out. Left with the children. Offended again. He says: “What can I do?” I understand that it can’t do anything. The second New Year is on its way. I think, what am I doing here? For what? I wanted a common child. He doesn’t seem to mind, but I can’t handle three. I feel how everything is crumbling, dreams, hopes. My. What was I hoping for? Don't know.

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