How I lived with a pathological jealous person

How I lived with a pathological jealous person
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am now 24 years old. It so happened that I can’t meet people my own age – I’m just bored with them. So I managed to choose a 36-year-old man and marry himmarried _ But his age was not the main problem.

Before I met my husband, I had a series of unsuccessful relationships, and when I met him, passion, emotions immediately flared up and, ultimately, the bestsex . There were no calculations, we earned the same amount, although not very much, but it was enough to live on. I will let go of the details of our relationship with him before the wedding (there were very unpleasant episodes), but one wonderful day he came to pick me up at work, fell on his knees with flowers and a ring and offered to marry him, promised to make me the happiest, to carry me in his arms, raise children - just be with me. I agreed.

All mineThe family , from my mother to my grandfather, were not only categorically against it - they didn’t even go to the wedding. For them, he was the personification of everything terrible. Mom at is Uzbek,Father is Tatar, but he is very handsome in appearance, and I myself did not immediately recognize what kind of blood was mixed in him. It didn’t bother me that he was a Muslim; he didn’t show any characteristic features of this religion. There were no “put on a hijab” conversations.

The wedding passed, my family also seemed to calm down. My nightmare began slowly. My husband started trying to forbid me to communicate with my friends because their moral standards are low, etc. Next, he demanded the password for all accounts and phones, checked all the numbers, made printouts of calls - the whole set of pathological jealousy, only so far without assault. At first it seemed to me that he was simply traumatized by a divorce from his former wife (he still had 2 children left). He presented the situation to me all the time in such a way that it tormented him with supposedly inhuman jealousy, which ruined his life. I didn’t attach any importance to this, but in vain. I only listened to one side. Much later I became aware of how much suffering this unfortunate woman experienced.

But at that moment I again connected everything with trauma from a past life, and since I waslove , I tried, on the contrary, to change him, to help him get out of this emotional tension. But people don't change at 36 years old.

Things only got worse from there. If at first thisJealousy appealed to me, but then I simply began to turn away from his nagging. No explanations, nothing helped. In the end, I was completely tired of making excuses. There was a serious scandal, I packed my things, rented an apartment in another area, because he did not let me go to work in the morning, because he believed that I had lovers here too.

Two months passed, he appeared again all like this with flowers, having lost weight. He said that he went to a psychologist, worked on himself and now everything will be different.

As it turned out later, throughout this time he went to prostitutes’ salons, and at the same time had short-term relationships with other women, much older than me. Moreover, I can boldly and confidently say to myself that I am beautiful, slim, educated and interestinggirl _

I forgave him, he moved in with me (before that we lived in a room of 11 sq.m., which completely suited him, but infuriated me terribly). ButThere was always money for prostitutes. To be honest, I’m still slightly shocked that he walked around these dirty dens, because we had no shortage of sex.

We lived in peace and harmony for a month, but I didn’t even realize that it wasn’t really working. All the time he supposedly went to a construction site, somewhere there he was a foreman, but in reality he simply hired Uzbeks, withheld money from them and lived off of it.

Soon his jealousy flared up with renewed vigor. This time, fists were used, a ban was introduced on wearing makeup, wearing dresses and sweaters with a low neckline. He didn’t allow himself to be kicked out, and since my relatives live in another city, and once, when I decided to tell them what was happening behind the veil of a supposedly happy life, my grandfather almost had a heart attack, I had to deal with it myself. Moreover, it turned out that his infidelities were not over - he continued to party and continue, while attributes all sorts of sins to me.

Ultimately, I was just tired of enduring all this. I want to give free advice: do not be afraid of such jealous domestic tyrants under any circumstances. If you show yourFear such a person, consider that you are signing your own death warrant. When my fists came into play, I took a cast-iron frying pan and charged him so much that he now began to be afraid of me. But despite this, he categorically refused to move out, began shouting that he also paid for this apartment, that he would take away all the gifts and things from me, etc. He grabbed my phone, copied all the numbers from there, started calling them, checking them. In short, such nonsense and insanity that it’s simply terrifying.

At night, he woke me up and began, with a light in his eye (like the NKVD in his time), to try to extort confessions of “infidelity” from me. I turned away and said that I didn’t care what he thought anymore, and I wasn’t going to prove or tell anything.

Tomorrow we must get a divorce. By some miracle, I persuaded him to voluntarily go to the registry office, he agreed, telling me that deeply regretted that he married a whore. I heard this word probably a million times during my marriage to him. The funny thing is that about 10 minutes after that he fell to his knees again and began to begforgive him. When I refused, he tried to release his hands, and I hit him under the shoulder blades so that he was completely twisted. Believe me, when a person finishes it, you can give a good blow to even a stronger opponent. Although, of course, the answer can also come immediately. In my case, he is a coward because he knows that, from a purely legal point of view, I can be imprisoned for a long time for beatings. I have helped my friends write such statements so many times - and all such “heroes” were taken away. Our bodies can work if the application is filled out correctly. Maybe this fear keeps him at least within some limits.

I don’t undertake to say now who is right and who is wrong. Only now, unfortunately, I found out that he cheated on me in a black way, and I and my family suffered. It's unclear why. It’s good that I didn’t give birth - I subconsciously just felt that I didn’t need to give birth, period. I secretly took birth control pills; once, when he noticed, he even began to take money from me so that I could not buy them.

The funny thing is that when I objected to him, why can he cheat, but I can’t have a glasswine with a friend with whom I have been communicating for 15 years, he immediately started yelling that we were all sluts and that was where all the constructiveness ended. This is probably already a clinic.

Girls, women! As soon as you notice such signs, run without looking back, and remember: do not show any fear. If you show that you are afraid, everything will be lost. Such people, with such complexes, will not leave alone the one who sent them away. Run, run and run again. Such idiots cannot be changed and their words cannot be trusted.

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