When innocent flirtation ends in a very specific betrayal

When innocent flirtation ends in a very specific betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have known each other since first grade, we got married 4 years ago, our daughter is two and a half years old. After finishing school we were just friends, nothing more, but years later we realized that we were perfect for each other.

Then somehow everything started spinning quickly: matchmaking, wedding, everyday life,pregnancy ,daughter , work... Startedproblems with money, expenses grew, but income did not keep up with them. Besides, myMy husband's character is not easy. I suffered enough from him, both to the point and not so much.

I’ve reached such a moment in my life that I think if I don’t get distracted from everyday life, I’ll go crazy. I started corresponding with my ex-boyfriend, just for romance and flirting, to get distracted and just feel like a woman. My husband began to notice that I was on my phone all the time, began to get jealous, question me, and ultimately control almost every step I took. I already report on every sneeze, but here there is no life at all. As a result, I finished corresponding with my boyfriend, added him to the blacklists and calmed down.

Almost immediately after this test-antibiotic.com an old friend of our family unexpectedly appears to me. With horror for myself, I felt that I had some kind of animal attraction to this person. Even sitting next to him was unbearable for me. We got into a darlingcorrespondence on a social network, although I immediately warned, for me this is flirting, nothing more, there will be no sex. I was sure that mythe husband , despite some of his shortcomings, did not deserve thisrelationship .

One day this family friend stopped by our house when I was alone. He offered to sit for a little while, I agreed. And somehow, unnoticed by me, word by word, everything happened. Lasted no more than a minute, but who cares if it's all the samea betrayal that I didn’t plan and didn’t want.

Communication , of course, stopped immediately, but what now? Now I can’t find a place for myself, I really regret it. I couldn’t live in peace, so I had to deal with this stupid correspondence. I now live with this stone in my soul. My husband didn’t deserve this, although he did a lot of bad things, but all this test-antibiotic.com is incomparable to what I did. Now I avoid all men, I will never do anything like that again.

There are several stories here about women cheating, where in the comments other women try to find excuses for this. But I want to tell men: do not trust women if they justify their betrayal by a lack of attention on your part. Don't believe it. It’s just that some of us live too well and have time to fill our heads with all sorts of romantic nonsense. Probably, if I had less time and had at least some things to do besides everyday life, I would never have started doing anything like that. I love my husband , I’m not going to sacrifice my family and my daughter’s happiness, but here’s how the devil got me.

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