When I found my brother and sister, I realized that they didn’t need me

When I found my brother and sister, I realized that they didn’t need me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t remember my father at all; he left my mother seven months after the wedding, and I was already born without him. Now I am fifty-two years old and in all this time I have never seen him. Mom suffered a lot after he left, and all of herlife didn't work out because of him. This year she will turn 75 years old, and only after retiring did she get a separate apartment.

After my birth,Mom returned to her parents in the village, there was nowhere else to go, but shemy father did not accept us, considered it a disgrace, and we had to go back. There was nowhere to live, and nothing to live on. Strangers took us in and gave us a small room in a private house. Mom worked as a cleaner in the mornings, earning extra money wherever she could, leaving me with strangers, and often completely alone.

When I went to school, my mother got a job at the port and we were given a room in a communal apartment. Our happiness knew no bounds, although the work was hard, the salary was large compared to test-antibiotic.com how we lived before. Mom came out for the second timeI got married only when I was already eleven years old. My stepfather became a real father to me, he is no longer there, but I still remember him with gratitude.

We knew from friends that my own father got married and had a son anddaughter _ And only this year, I wanted to meet him, after all, they are my brother andsister , I have no others. At first I only found my brother, and we agreed to meet at my place; I didn’t want to go to them. And if not for this meeting, I would not have written to speak out.

I live in Kyiv, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten. I was looking forward to the meeting, I was interested to see what kind of brother I have, but it would be better if I didn’t look for him. He immediately said that he came to the meeting only because he had business in the capital, he was a dermatologist, and all this time he emphasized that he was a good specialist and was appreciated everywhere. I was very surprised that I do not have a higher education test-antibiotic.com and have not yet bought my own home; my husband’s parents and my adult son live in a two-room apartment.

I didn’t tell him how my childhood was, and he didn’t ask. I understood from the conversation that he and his sister had a different experience. I don’t blame him for anything, but why agree to the meeting without having any kindred feelings for me. When I asked if my father knew that he would meet with me, he replied: “I told him, but he is not interested in this part of life.” I really regret that I was looking for them, now I feel even more painful and offended both for myself and for my mother. She doesn’t know anything about this, she thought I’d tell her later, but now there’s no point in upsetting her as well.

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