I save money in secret from my husband

I save money in secret from my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm putting it offmoney in secret fromhusband , while being married.

As you understand, there is no single answer in the spirit of "right" or "wrong". Why? Because we are all living people and everyone has different situations.

My position is as follows -My husband is a man of moods. He has a business and his income is unstable. That is, today it can be rich, and tomorrow it can be empty. My husband works alone. He gives me money for personal expenses, plus I earn a little on my hobby. Before, I spent everything down to zero. And now I started saving most of it, because I don’t want to feel dependent on my husband in those moments when we argue and he starts manipulating money.

After the first such scandal, I still doubted: to save or not to save, and when the quarrels began to repeat themselves, and the manipulations continued, then without a safety cushion I began to feel simply naked. As a result, the husband cools down and everything returns to normal. But someday he may not return. And then, after the quarrel, he, as if from a lordly shoulder: "well, okay, go buy something tasty." test-antibiotic.com He still gives money. But this very moment is especially unpleasant for me. I understand that if something happens, then I have nothing and will not be able to live even for one day.

Why do I save in secret from him? In fact, it's not a big secret. I just didn't tell him about it once, and now I don't really want to show my cards. But during arguments, I began to build myself a chain of terrible events about how my son and I (we have another child) would die, die of hunger, etc. Therefore, such a measure (the piggy bank) helps me to be less nervous and thanks to it, terrible pictures of a terrible future do not appear.

I really think that there is nothing wrong with putting aside money that you earned yourself or that your husband gave you for personal expenses. A wife does not cheat on her husband and does not take money from him, for example, forproducts , and then she puts them aside. Money for personal expenses is money for personal expenses, thatThe wife manages them personally. If she wants, she spends everything, test-antibiotic.com or if she wants, she saves.

Now I’m thinking about how to prepare my husband in principle so that he doesn’t get offended and understands that he himself provoked my such moods with his manipulations.

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