The ruin of my whole life

The ruin of my whole life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Just recently I had a wonderfulfamily -wife anddaughter , for whose benefit I worked as Papa Carlo. And now I don't want to see them both. They both disgust me to the point of nausea, after everything I've learned, and I've been staying with a friend for a week now.

We work together in the same company, although we have known each other since our first year at the Polytechnic. We raised this company together, created projects together. His daughter is a first-year law student in St. Petersburg. And two years ago we buried his wife. They gave her money for surgery, but it didn’t help her.

During these two years, Dima did not get along with a single woman, neither a wife, nor a cohabitant, nor even a mistress, and satisfied his physical needs with the help of girls of easy virtue. More than once he invited me to come and have fun with him, but I gave up. For the wholeI never cheated on my wife in my life , and I tried to devote my free time, which I had catastrophically little, to my family. I am 39 years old, my wife is 36, my daughter is 16 and a half.

And that day after the weekend Dimka came to work gloomier than a cloud. By his appearance, he clearly wanted to tell me something, but for a long time he hesitated. But I asked him: “What’s wrong with my daughter?” He replied that everything was fine with his daughter, but not so much with mine. On the weekend, his godfather came to see him, and they decided to go to the sauna to fully relax. We took some drinks, called the agency, and ordered the girls. And one of those who came was my daughter, my Verka. The mother-in-law's name was Nadya, the wife's name was Lyuba, and the daughter's name was Vera . And now I have no love, no faith and no hope.

The first thing I had was a desire to punch my friend in the face; if this was a joke, it was a very bad one, but from his preoccupied look it was clear that he was not joking. Dima said that he pretended that he did not recognize her, but called the agency again and asked to replace the girls. Kumu did not tell anything, he simply said that young children were not his type. I said, maybe he was mistaken or it just looked like it, well, I didn’t believe that my daughter was capable of falling like that. A friend told me that he was saying what he saw, and then I’ll figure it out myself, if anything happens, I can count on him.

On the same day, I got into my daughter’s laptop and everything was confirmed. I saw her corresponding photographs, as well as a price list for various ranges of sexual services. The ground disappeared from under my feet. In the evening, when my wife and daughter were at home, I carried out a dressing down. If only I knew then what awaited me next!

The daughter didn’t even make excuses, she behaved impudently, she said that she was 16 years old, and she could sleep with whoever she wanted and live as she wanted, and instead of interfering in her life, I would have better looked after my wife. Lyuba shouted at her to shut her mouth, but Verka did not listen to her. On myWhen asked what she meant, she answered: “You’re horned, dad, you’ve been horned for a year and a half now, at least as far as I know.” Said thatMommy has a lover , whom she did not hesitate to bring to our house, and when my daughter found them, right in the marital bed, she begged me not to tell me anything, and demanded that I not interfere in my parents’ lives.

The daughter became embittered and also began to live as she pleased. When the wife found out about her daughter’s behavior, she shut her up, threatening to tell me about her lover, and set a condition - she would not interfere in her life, and if I knew about what my daughter was doing, then she would not remain silent. When the daughter found out about his wife’s change, she completely spiraled out of control. She figured she could do what she wanted andher mother has no right to tell her, since she showed everything by her own example.

First clubs, discos, boys, then rich lovers, and then off and on she went downhill. And when the wife found out, she remained silent because she was afraid of her own exposure. The daughter went to her room and locked herself there. And I had a difficult conversation with my wife. She changed tactics. If at first I sat with my eyes closed and shed tears, then I decided that the best defense was an attack. She attacked me with accusations that it was all my fault, that I was at work all the time, paid little attention to her, stopped noticing the woman in her, and she wanted to be desired and loved, but she didn’t want to ruin her family, so they with my daughter and covered for each other. That I lost my wife and then my daughter because of my work.

I couldn't hear it anymore and hit my wife in the face. I asked if she even understood that Vera was stillchild that she is only 16 years old? I called Dimka and told him everything. He demanded that I collect my necessary things before his arrival and wait for him; I can’t stay in this house; I can’t mess things up. And also so that I don’t even think about getting behind the wheel, he will come and take me to his place. He offered to live with him for a while, he lives alone and there is plenty of space, and together over a glass of tea we will decide what to do next.

I was leaving my bag with some things at, my wife fell to her knees, started grabbing my leg, screaming that I couldn’t leave like that now, that let’s decide together what to do in this situation, because we are Family. I replied that I no longer have a family, tomorrow I’m applying fordivorce , and what I decide will be decided by myself, but I will only say one thing: I won’t leave this like that, that she and her daughter are worth each other. At Dima’s house I got drunk, shouted and cried. The friend waited patiently for me to let off steam so that I could move on to a more constructive dialogue. What to file for divorce, as well as for the division of housing and property, goes without saying.

Then he suggested reporting this agency to the police, reporting that minors were working in this brothel, and was ready to go too and confirm this as a witness. Also notforget to mention that the wife, her mother, knew what her minor daughter was doing, namely, she was engaged in prostitution and at the same time did not take any measures, hid it from me and from everyone. Now let and this agency be dealt with by law enforcement agencies even without five minutes of ex-wife.

Now what to do with your daughter? She urgently needs to be isolated. There are two options - either a specialized closed boarding school for troubled teenagers, or a psychiatric hospital. To my surprised look, he added, yes, it’s a mental hospital. Because girls with such a profession or those who act in porn have a broken psyche. And not every one of them becomes normal.

So, now I’ve been staying with a friend for three days. I don’t answer my wife’s calls, I told the security at work not to let her in, even though she came to my work twice.

Maybe you can advise me, because if I do what my friend suggested, there will be no turning back.

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