Cry from the heart

Cry from the heart
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I are 33 years old, in a relationship for 7 years, officially married for 3 years. In 2019, we got seriously ill with Covid, everyone got their own sores, I’m allergic to dogs,problems with the sinuses (a cyst appeared, operations were performed, but the cyst was not removed), and she developed type 2 diabetes.

We had plans, desires, we wanted to move, have children, spent 2020-2021 treating ourselves diligently, buying Danish medications for diabetes, things got better, and everything was fine.

We got married in 2021, had a nice wedding, everything was fine, except that my allergies got worse. Now, instead of a runny nose, I began to choke at night and was prescribed anti-asthmatic drugs, which made me feel better, but the allergies always came in waves. Then Russia’s war against Ukraine began, all drugs became very expensive (they weren’t cheap anyway), andmy wife went to an endocrinologist, he prescribed her othermedicines . But we didn’t get upset and didn’t deviate from our plans.

In 2022, I had a big fight with my family and, instead of taking a vacation, I received category A and bought myself a motorcycle (which I had long dreamed of). Everything seemed to be fine, but the wife’s health began to get worse, sexylife began to fade away. The summer passed, we decided to get a divorce, we filed fordivorce , but due to my weak character and possessiveness, I became the initiator of getting back together. My wife admitted that she cheated on me while we weren’t living together and were waiting for a divorce. But despite this, we talked and got along.

The allergy to dogs continued, my sex life began to sparkle with new colors, my wife even agreed to ride a motorcycle with me as a couple (initially she refused, because after buying it, a friend of mine crashed to death on one).

The year 2023 has arrived. We met at the bar, but I didn’t like it at all, it was terrible! I called my wifesister and offered to take away the Chihuahua they had bought, since she had developed angioedema due to him. As soon as I started becoming allergic to dogs, he said that there were no more animals in the house; it would be bad to live with a constant allergy. But here again, because my wife wants it, and I can’t refuse her, I agreed to take this 3-month-old puppy. They took him away and had a fight over him a couple of times. As soon as I say to give it back, I immediately start to cry. Sex life disappeared again. Because of the new drugs, my wife began to have serious health problems).

In May, I started having severe allergies, a constant runny nose, and nocturnal asthma attacks returned again. My wife also started having allergies, eyes and a runny nose, I tell her that the problem is with the dog, she says that there is mold in the apartment. Beginswear , I remember aboutsex , that I need it too, but we have a disease, I don’t force her to have sex, I just ask when! Then I find out that she is no longer planning children, does not want to die during childbirth, that everything has changed, and our desires do not coincide much, she just wants to live with the dogs and me and does not want to quarrel. But I want to move, be able to have children while I’m still young, have sex, and live without allergies. We live in the far north, we planned to move to the south, since I’m from the south and she’s from the north, it’s warmer there, and life is a little better in terms of climate.

What should I do and what should I do? I want to get a divorce, sell everything I have in the north (apartment , garage, motorcycle) and move south back to the warmth. Because I'm tired of the north. But on the other hand, horses are not changed at the crossing.

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