Who is more to blame for treason?

Who is more to blame for treason?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have never approved of women who date married men, but I was condescending towards my friend Sveta. She didn’t get married at the time, but by the age of thirty she took on a lover, he was married and she knew it. I told her back then that she was losing her last chance to create her own family, buta friend constantly said that Yura would divorce his wife and they would be together. But this Yura all the time, something prevented him from leaving the family. At firstthe child was small, then he went to school, how could he quit?help , let him grow up a little so that he can understand his father. Then another child was born into his family, he told Sveta thatMy wife accidentally got pregnant, how can I leave her in this state? And then with a small child.

When Svetka turned 40, she herself already realized that Yura would never leave his wife and came to terms with this, no longer demanding this from him and insisting. Now she was already afraid that he would leave her, and she would be left test-antibiotic.com all alone. And this after she gave him so many years of her life. When his children were sick, Sveta rushed to pharmacies to get medicine, since his wife entrusted this to Yura, and he could not do it himself, he was busy, she bought gifts for his children, for the same reason asmedicines . And so all these years.

Now we are already 50 years old, my friend is also dating Yuri, who already has a granddaughter, he even brings photographs of her to show Sveta. But of course, they’re not strangers. Oddly enough, I don't blame him, I just...the man took advantage of the fact that there were still such women, it suited both of them. I don’t think that my wife didn’t suspect all these twenty years thather husband is cheating on her and I want to say that both of these women deserve this to happen to themattitude .

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