Personal life on social networks

Personal life on social networks
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's not so muchConfession , how much please help with advice. I am 23 years old, I love my girlfriend, we have been dating for 8 months. But we have one problem: I really don’t like her increased activity on social networks. The point is not that it takes a lot of time, which could be spent more usefully. But it seems to me that all of herlife (including ours and hers)relationship ) in front of everyone and I really don’t like it.

I am a believer, I have my own principles. I really don’t like it when all sorts of perverts stare at my beloved, write obscene comments under her photo and give her dubious compliments. Moreover, she herself provokes all sorts of unfamiliar and generally unfamiliar people to do this. I am convinced that the right one is modesta girl should not post photos of herself in a swimsuit or frivolous clothes inInternet . And I don’t want our personal photos with her to be on social networks.

I have nothing to hide, I am not ashamed of my relationship with her, but I don’t understand her logic. What is she trying to achieve? To make me jealous? So that her friends would envy her? Does she want to feel wanted and needed? What is the point of collecting these “likes” and illiterate comments from unfamiliar people? Why post links to pages of women's public pages and online magazines with headlines like the personal life of a fashionable singer, 5 tips for a Virgo to get outmarry an Aquarius and the like?

I think that the intimate should remain intimate. I don’t want my life to be discussed by everyone, for my kisses to be “liked” and approved by people who are not important to me. But my attempts to talk frankly with my beloved did not lead to anything - she believes that this is her personal matter, and I am simply jealous and limiting her freedom. I love her and don’t want to ruin our relationship, but this happens to myselfI don’t want to tolerate the attitude . What should I do?

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