The man I love arranged everything so that I would leave him myself

The man I love arranged everything so that I would leave him myself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve been living in Asia for the last 4 years, I already have acquaintances, friends, I had a job, a car, a rented house. All this happened until I met my first one in my lifeLove . Yes, at 32 years old. No, I can’t say that before that I was lonely - there were men, I lived with some for a couple of years, there were also proposalsmarried _ Good, reliable men, but, as they say, not my thing. There was no love, I didn’t see life with them.

And then a year and a half ago I met him. The one about which everythinglife dreamed. Got startedrelationship , moved in together, then he was offered a job in another city. The same country, but the city is larger and more promising. She left with him, left everything here - friends, career prospects, house, cats, in the end (distributed among friends). I couldn’t find a job at a new place, so I switched to home freelancing. Not very bigmoney , but I’m busy and don’t ask him for small things.

Since I’m sitting at home and the lion’s share of my earnings comes from it, the housekeeping and everyday life is on me: fed, washed and ironed always. I liked to please him and take care of him. We started making plans formarriage , then moving to Europe or Australia...

A week ago everything went wrong. He had a corporate party at work. I didn’t really want to go, because... I had a lot of work to do, and I wasn’t in the mood. Before this, at night we had a little fight - he snores, I disturb him, he swears that I don’t let him sleep.

In the midst of the party, he writes to me: “maybe you will come after all?” I thought about it and agreed - it was nice that he wanted to see me. I've arrived. The relationship with his colleagues is excellent; I have known them for a long time. He was already pretty tipsy (like everyone else, by the way). We’ve been there for a couple of hours, I’m tired, I tell him: “darling, let me go home, you sit still if you want.” He answered me “no, no, no, 10 minutes, II finish my beer and go home.” Ok, I go into the next room, there is live music, dancing, someone immediately grabs me and let’s go dance. Let me clarify, there is a round dance, that is, this is not couples dancing with strange men to the point of indecency.

I return to the table and ask his colleagues where he is - everyone shrugs, saying he must have gone to the toilet. I go out into the street, open my phone to call him, a message from him: “looking at you I want to leave.” I’m calling, trying to somehow find out where he is, what happened, I’m already a little shocked - no one has ever said such words to me. I ask him to take me away from here - it’s one in the morning, I’m wearing heels, far from home. In refusal, he told me all sorts of things. I’m already in absolute prostration, somehow I get home, start packing my things, at the same time writing to him what I think about him and the situation as a whole.

At night I went to see my friend. I hoped that I would sleep it off and somehow in the morning we would be able to solve this life story. 4 days no answer or greeting from him. I tried to meet him and talk - the dry answer was: “you can just take your remaining things.”

For dessert, I receive information from his friends that he never knew how to part with women, so he always arranged it so that she would leave on her own.

I’ve been severely depressed for a week: I can’t eat, I only fall asleep after a glass of strongalcohol , and, worst of all, I hope that he will return. I understand with my mind that everything is useless, that he wanted to break up, but I just can’t believe it. I don’t understand how to live further. I also don’t understand how not to break down and go to him, losing the last bits of pride. This is all sad, very sad...

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