I love my mother, but I can’t communicate with her

I love my mother, but I can’t communicate with her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have difficulties communicating with my mother. We communicate by phone, since we live in different cities, she calls me or I call herevery day , she is often offended that I don’t call her first, I’m 30, she’s 50.

A few years ago my dad died, it hit us both hard. All these few years I provided for my mother as best I could, left the bare minimum for myself, and all the restI sent her money . I hinted to her that it was very difficult for me, and that I was very tired of living like this, since I earned everything I had with my own labor, and there was no person who would help me.

Over the years, I developed a rather tough character, because I knew that everything was on me and no one would bring anything to me. In the end, I lost it because I was like a squirrel in a wheel, I became hysterical andMom found and went to work, although before that she had not asked me for anything, but she knew perfectly well that I myself, on my own initiative, would help her.

In the last test-antibiotic.com years of my father’s life, things were also not going very well, and I often helped them financially, paid for their apartment and more. I always communicated very well with my dad, he was a very positive person and always said that everything would be fine. After the death of my father, I could not go to her often, since I had to work a lot, she more than once hinted reproachfully at this, that she was experiencing grief alone, and I did not have the opportunity to come to my city, since work and decent there is no income there. We seemed to switch roles, I felt much older than her. I worked, I calmed her down as best I could, helped as much as I could, I lived, one might say, not for myself, I denied myself a lot. By the way, she’s not like me as a personfather , but rather, on the contrary, with a pessimistic view of the world. She sat at home for a very long time and broke away from society or something, all her telephone conversations boiled down to the fact that everyone was bad, her relatives, the people around her, no one test-antibiotic.com understood her. Although she loves me very much, I practically don’t hear words of support from her, even the basic “everything will be fine and you can handle everything.”

She lives with her grandmother, her grandmother loves her, but without maternal kindness, warmth, as it were, and her mother has been resentful of her for this since childhood. She calls and complains to me about someone almost every day, and I very rarely complain to her, even if it is difficult. Almost every time I get irritated, she notices it and gets offended, and I don’t want to answer the phone because I know in advance what she will tell me. I don’t want to offend her, but I can’t help myself, I “snarl” at her on the phone and quickly say goodbye. And so every day, she likes to ask absolutely unnecessary questions that concern neither her nor me. I think that I, too, deep down in my soul, am offended by her, but I can’t understand why, she loves me very much, but I can’t tell her to her face that I don’t like it, because test-antibiotic.com she will be offended and cry . I don’t want to offend her, but everyday nervouscommunication is hard to miss. How to improve communication, because tension and aggression are only increasing.

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