I love a man, but we have no future

I love a man, but we have no future
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met 6 years ago at work, when he was appointed my boss. I was 23 years old at the time, and he was 29. At that time, Victor was married and had two children. Not immediately, but gradually I fell in love with him. We had a connection, but I thought it didn't mean anything. I had no plans to destroy his family.

A year later I leftmarrying a young man I didn’t love, just to start a family, to end everything with Victor. Victor asked me not to get married, but I did it my way. Almost immediately after the wedding, I became pregnant from my husband. After 2 months, Victor left his wife and filed fordivorce _ He asked me to be with him, said that he loved me. But I refused because I was expecting a child. He quit his job and I cut things off with him.communication . It was hard. I didn’t feel happy with my husband, but before the birth of the child we lived normally. Afterwards it became harder. After a while he began to beat me. I filed a divorce against test-antibiotic.com. Then I had to go through a lot - trials, hunger with a child,problems . FormerThe husband completely abandoned his daughter.

Last fall, Victor called me. Then he finally divorced his wife, began to live alone, and helps the children. For a long time I could not decide on this meeting with him. But we met and decided to be together. For the first time in this time, I felt happy. We feel very good together, calm, we understand each other. He treats my daughter well, we introduced the children. In the future, he does not plan to part with me, he wants to get married and start a family.

But again we are out of luck, since there is no way to solvehousing issue . We live in different cities, not neighboring ones. He has a three-roomapartment , in addition to him, his mother’s ex-husband also lives. We could move in with him, but that's impossible because while I'm working,Mom helps with her daughter, she is often with her parents. It’s impossible for me to live fully, because my entire apartment is 17 meters, like a studio. It’s very crowded even with two people, but with three test-antibiotic.com it’s generally the same. I would really like to exchange my apartment, but I don’t have the money. Victor offers to sell his dacha in order to make a down payment on the mortgage, and then live in a new apartment and pay. My mother is against it, she convinces me not to do this, because the apartment will be divided in half, and then in the end half will go to Victor’s children and I will remain in my old age on the street. He says you can only invest in what is yours and will go to your child. In this case, I see no way out of the situation. We love each other, but life throws obstacles at us. I don’t want to part with him, but there are no prospectsWe don't have a future .

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