I love not only my husband, but also my mother-in-law

I love not only my husband, but also my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read different life stories and wanted to confess myself. When I met my future husband Alexey, I immediately realized thatMom comes first for him, and then everyone else. During our dates, he always called home to say that he was okay. It seemed strange to me.

When Lesha proposed to me, I immediately thought how his mother would treat me, and I would always be in the background with him. He will only obey his mother, because we were supposed to live with her. Lesha said that thisthe issue is not even discussed.

My friends tried to dissuade me from agreeing to at least live together; at a distance, my mother’s influence would not be so strong. But my parents, on the contrary, were not against my marriage and living together. Mom said thata guy who loves his mother and his wife will treat his future mother-in-law the same waythe relationship will depend on me. And I agreed.

My mother-in-law received me very well, but I thought that it was always like this right away. But over time test-antibiotic.com I realized that she loves her son and wants him to be happy, and the expensive and beautiful gift given to me on my wedding day only convinced me of this. My friend liked this jewelry and she ordered a diamond pendant for herself, but to her own taste.

She herself separated from her husband long ago and raised her child alone. That’s why she was always so worried about him, and she immediately treated me like a daughter. After hearing a lot about my bad mother-in-law from my friends, I realized how lucky I was. When we were borndaughter , I don’t even know how I would have coped with all this if it weren’t for my motherhusband . She helped me in everything, and taught Alexei to be responsible for the family. I am very grateful to my mother-in-law and often tell her about this, I always try to please and help her with something.

I simply could not help but write about the woman who became my second mother. We have been living together for seven years and are planning a second child. Our grandmother already retired this year, our daughter went to test-antibiotic.com school, and we decided that we needed another baby in the family. We can all get through this together.

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