My sister's love for a non-existent person

My sister's love for a non-existent person
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago my niece hadproblems with a company of very serious young people, various threats against her and much more. We didn’t communicate at that time, there were reasons for that. I really wanted to help her and decided to create a page on a social network. I created a guy’s page and gained her trust. She told the whole situation, what these people wanted from her, and I decided, together with my boyfriend, to help her. We went to this company, talked, discussed everything, and asked not to touch it again. After some time they left her behind; she, of course, was very grateful to this non-existentguy . ContinueI no longer wanted to communicate with her from a fake account, because the problem had been solved and there was no point in continuing the dialogue. But suddenly she admits that she loves this guy who doesn’t even exist.

I was confused, I didn’t know how to get out of this, I understood that if I deleted the page, it would hurt her. I decided to chat for a few more weeks, and then I wrote on this page: “I am going into the army.” So that she canforget him and start your personallife , and not wait for unknown things. But now her feelings have only become stronger, and I don’t know how to get out of this situation. If I tell the truth, she will never forgive, but I just wanted to help her.

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