Love in the distance

Love in the distance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story will forever remain in my memory. And let many condemn me, but I think that I did the right thing. I am 23 years old. 5 years ago I met a young man. The guy is good: he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he's well-rounded, handsome. But love, I initially did not feel for him. She talked about parting, looking for a reason, at first, because of this, the relationship was tense. He was 22 at the time. Before me, he did not have a serious relationship, did not even kiss, did not walk. I was first in everything.

ThisThe guy knew how to influence the mind. He comes from an ordinary family. He didn’t really look after me, didn’t take me anywhere, which sometimes offended me too. I said that I want to feel like a woman. On March 8, receive flowers as a gift, not wrinkle cream. To which he replied that I was too picky. Sometimes I cried so that he wouldn't see. I held on to him because I was afraid that no one would need me anymore, who suffers from epilepsy.

I can not say that this guy offended me, insulted me. I just didn't feel like a woman. Knowing that I was going to the store, I needed to buy a lot of things, he let me go with a clear conscience. And I carried these bags myself. Do you know how this female independence bothered?

In sex, he did not satisfy me at all. This began to escalate the situation in the family. Upon learning that there was sex between us, hisMom began to put pressure on the fact that if we don’t want to sign, then for the sake of decency before God, we need to get married. She pressed with her mother on him, he on me. In the end, I agreed and we got married. For which I deeply regret.
Relations after that became even worse. Joint New Year was the worst holiday in my life. When my friend invited me to her place to meet the New Year with her, I asked him if he was against celebrating it with our friends. He replied that he agreed, looking up from the TV. It was around December 4-5. When it was December 28 and we had to think about what to cook, how much we were counting on. I told him that he needed to meet and talk with friends. To which he looked at me very surprised and said that either with his parents or at home. It was very uncomfortable in front of friends, because they were counting on us. I said that he has no conscience and with his family, if so, I don’t want to celebrate.

The new year was terrible, the whole evening they were silent at the TV. The next day I moved to another room. And we spent all the New Year holidays separately. The man did not want to understand me. You give in, you give in, but you don’t get reciprocity. January 7, my mother invited me to the cinema. I started talking to him about the need to go together so that my mother would not worry that something was wrong with us. You know what a scandal between us was. But in the end, thanks to him that he went anyway and did not make my mother worry.

Six months passed, the relationship was without conflict, but by itself: work, training, friends and no sex and moral support, he did not like everything. The date of our relationship was approaching - our four-year anniversary, and for a month I asked him how he would like to spend this day. I hoped that everything will work out, and finally, we will reconcile. The 10th is our anniversary. 9 his mother calls and says that his help in the garden is urgently needed, although it was possible to go two days later.

It again offended me greatly that he left, and I myself spent these days, with my thoughts. Also, my birthday, as never celebrated, was not marked. He gave me a soft toy and turned on the TV, although I didn’t deserve it and I do a lot of things on his birthday!

This was the last straw, I finally said that we were breaking up despite the fact that we were married. I don't want this relationship anymore. He did not take my words for the first two weeks. I started meeting other young people on the Internet and met one guy. We began to correspond. I told everything about myself: about the disease, about the relationships that I am breaking. I saw that this guy really likes me. We started calling. He promised that he would come to me during his vacation.

Upon learning of this, my ex began to divide the property, which was mainly bought with mymoney . In order not to fool either myself or his head, I told him to endure everything that he wants to endure. And he took the iron, computer, TV, all small kitchen appliances. I closed my eyes to all this. I did not care.

Mom was worried that my new acquaintance would not turn out to be some kind of bad guy. He came to me for a week, everything was fine, he promised that he would come and pick me up for the New Year holidays. I swore in love. And I believed him. Finally, the month of November. I started to say what he thought about tickets, about holidays and so on. All his promises boiled down to meaningless promises: later, someday. On the Internet, I saw that he communicates with other girls, and one of them found his entry: "The most charming and attractive." Everything became like a fog. I told him, he began to make excuses, but he still postponed the trip, they say, it doesn’t work out.

This made me feel very bad. I rarely fall with epileptic seizures, only because of severe stress. This was exactly the case. Removed him from friends and stopped talking to him. I slowly started to forget him. Meet other guys. The former wrote that I was a traitor, that I would still fall in his knees, asking him to return to me. It was very lonely, falling asleep and waking up alone, when there was no one to take care of, take care of yourself, there was no desire.

Все это слава Богу прошло. Я встретила молодого человека, причем не в интернете, как это было в моей жизни, а на уроках английского языка. Я, изначально, чтобы и ему, и себе не морочить голову, рассказала о болезни. Он сказал, что это вторичные факторы и в этом нет ничего страшного. Он меня любит. А я люблю его, он очень заботлив. Никогда не жалеет ни сил, ни времени, ни денег, проводит время со мной. Я этого долго ждала. Моим родителям он понравился.

When I posted a photo with my current boyfriend on my page, the guy who refused not to come began to get very jealous. Since I added him to the black list, he began to write impressive letters to my sister. That he is ready to come, that he loves, that he will take me. And now I don't care. I don't need him, and for his mean act, I forgave him. Because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have had the courage to leave the first guy that went wrong.

And to the girls who find themselves alone, who were abandoned, I want to wish you to be patient. Be grateful for everything. Life teaches us a lot and leads us to what should happen. After all, everything that is not done is done for the better and has its own lesson.

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