Love erases all boundaries?

Love erases all boundaries?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Having just graduateduniversity , mymy friend immediately left for Turkey. Today I talked to her and she told me the good news: she is coming outmarried _ On the one hand, I am very happy for her, on the other hand, she said that her futurehusband is Muslim (she is Orthodox). The future husband will not ask her to accept his faith, but who knows what will happen next...

I believe that there is nothing wrong with interethnic marriages, the main thing is that there is mutual understanding. Of course, each nationality has its own mentality, its own laws, customs, traditions, religion, this also needs to be taken into account and studied. They love each other, but her parents are against this marriage. They said that if she married him, they would disown her and never forgive her. They explained this by saying that they were afraid for her futurelife _ They are afraid that he will force her to change her faith.

As for children born in such marriages, they automatically accept the faith of their father. This is why relativesmy friends are the most upset. To clarify, my friend is Georgian. Herthe family is very religious and is news to them that their beloveddaughter marries a Muslim - a big blow. They really wanted her to preserve her nationality, her language, her religion.

I don’t know, maybe over time her friend’s parents will accept her choice and come to terms with it. I still really hope so. Also, her relatives do not believe in the longevity of such marriages. Although I believe that the longevity and success of a marriage depends on the peoplerelationships to each other.

They worry, people of different nationalities have different views on family life, their families have different customs, traditions, orders, which are sometimes difficult to get used to, even if there is a biglove . In addition, often the temperaments are different. Of course, they are for any happy relationship, but they believe that interethnic marriages are much more difficult to maintain than relationships between people of the same nationality.

I don’t even know what to tell her, what advice to give. Her parents won’t even come to the wedding, which will be in the summer (while there is still time). Her family is determined and they will do their best to dissuade her friend from this marriage. The situation is complicated, and I don’t know what will happen.

What do you think, dear readers? How do you feel about marriages between people of different nationalities?

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