Mom thinks only about herself

Mom thinks only about herself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mom always dreamed of living at sea, and I, in principle, agreed with her, especially when my father passed away. I saw that she was sad, melancholy, and everything reminded her of him, but I thought that together we would find some way out of the situation. For example, let’s save some money and buy ourselves a dacha in the Krasnodar region, but we won’t move from Moscow forever. After all, my husband and I have work and friends here, but there we will have to start everything from scratch.

When the coronavirus pandemic happened last year, my mother began to panic. She locked herself in the apartment, stopped going outside, and six months later she announced that she was selling the apartment and moving to the sea. Like, there's sun there,Fresh air ,fruits and less risk of catching the virus. And in Moscow there are crowds of people, and sooner or later “we will all get sick and die.” No matter how hard I tried to persuade her, she still did it her way and left. But my husband and I were left without housing (he is from out of town), and were forcedrent an apartment , and it's very bigmoney .

I'm offended. Is it normal for to do this to my own daughter? After all, this is pure selfishness, or I don’t understand something in this life! You also need to take others into account a little, and not think only about yourself. Now he lives there for his own pleasure, and also callsevery day to tell her how cool she is there. It wasn't enough yet togot married there andI registered my husband in the apartment. I can’t control it in any way, because you don’t often visit the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

My husband is generally shocked by this act, he says that he considered my mother more adequate. I myself already doubt her love for me. Do normal mothers do this with their children?

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