Mom takes advantage of my plight

Mom takes advantage of my plight
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know how to live further. MyMom seems to want me to be unhappy, for me to be a failure and revels in it.

I found myself in a position dependent on her because I have a small child.child . My husband and I divorced six months ago.The marriage was over, I wanted to have an abortion, but I didn’t dare. We got married and it didn’t work out. I understand that I made a mistake, that I shouldn’t have done this, I shouldn’t have given birth or go outmarried ​I would give anything to go back in time and change this, but I can't.

Mom constantly reminds me of this, that I am gullible, stupid, that I don’t understand anything in life. In 2 months my daughter will be one and a half years old and I need to decidethe issue with work, because while we live on my allowance and alimony, I cannot sit with her for up to three years, there is no means of subsistence.

Mom “loves” her granddaughter, wants to leave work and sit with her, and I will work and give hermoney . I don’t really want my mother to sit with her, because she often shouts at her, swears, it’s clear that the child irritates her. But I can’t afford to go to work and hire a nanny; kindergarten is only after three years. Mom knows this and takes advantage of my dependence on her, constantly brings me to tears, vents my irritation, screams, remembers all the failures and mistakes.

I have a separate oneapartment , my daughter and I are registered there and live. If my mother stays with her, then in her parents’ apartment, that means I will have to live there too. I’m just going crazy, I don’t want to live with my parents again, listen to negativity and reproaches. I don’t see a way out of the situation, I’m very tired mentally and physically, I don’t want to live and I don’t see a bright spot in my future life.

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