It's my mother's fault that my brother hasn't achieved anything in life.

It's my mother's fault that my brother hasn't achieved anything in life.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My father died when I was 10 years old, and my brother was 14. My mother immediately turned all her attention to my brother, saying that now he is the only onethe man in the house, which means he’s in charge. This became a big test for the teenager, and he imagined that he could push me around. I complained to my mother, but she did not pay attention, saying that I should listen to Dima.

Now my brother is 42 years old and still lives with his mother. He kept choosing brides until he was no longer needed. Mom often says that it is better to be alone than with someone who is unworthy of him. My brother now has a big bald spot, a beer belly, and no job, but that doesn’t stop his mother from praising him and being touched by how smart and handsome he is.

Mymy husband built a house outside the city himself, manages a small team in a construction company, but stillMom doesn't like him. Every time we meet, he tries to humiliate him. Recently she said that my husband bought a cheap car, but their neighbor has a cool car. We really didn’t buy a new car, because we still need repairs in the house, and I’m on maternity leave with my youngest daughter.

Thanks to my mother and brother, I developed an arrogantattitude towards my husband. He began to teach how to be a good boss, until I said that he himself had achieved nothing, in life and in old age he would live on his mother’s pension. The brother was offended and ran out of the room, slamming the door hard. Mom immediately jumped up and shouted at me: “quickly apologize to your brother!” I replied that I told the truth thenMother showed us the door.

Now we haven't communicated at all for a year. I called my mom several times, but she hung up. I don't know how to make peace with her. I think that only my apology to my brother will help restore peace, but I cannot do that.

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