Mom considers me a second-class citizen

Mom considers me a second-class citizen
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am very offended by my mother.

I had a bad luckan affair with one man. I am 26 years old, he is 38. We met on vacation. Hismother runs a hotel for tourists by the sea. He helps her, and I came to rest with them on the advice of friends.

It so happened that I really liked him. He is beautifula man and an interesting conversationalist. When I noticed his interest in me, I was in seventh heaven.

Before that, I had been incredibly unlucky in my personal life. I look much younger than my age. Everyone gives me 16. And that’s why men pay little attention to me, they consider me a child. And of course, I’m not some dazzling beauty with a model appearance. An ordinary girl, I think, pretty, but nothing particularly outstanding.

Theserelationship was the first in my life. I realized too late that I had gotten involved with a not very good person. At first it turned out that he was drinking. It seemed to me naively that this was simply because he was lonely and misunderstood by no one, no one needed him. Even mothers.

His mother was fixated on money. In her youth, she built a career, raised her son alone, but did little with him. GaveI sent money for everything I needed and sent it to my grandmothers. But I didn’t really delve into who I was withthe son communicates and is interested in what he is interested in.

She didn’t let him play sports, as he dreamed, but got him a good position in a cool organization. He hated his job, but he loved and obeyed his mother. There he started drinking and smoking something.

Married for great love, buthis mother disliked his wife and managed to survive. And by that time he already had seriousproblems with alcohol. And mom took it uptreatment . She took him to expensive clinics and all sorts of grandmothers. But all to no avail.

He would stop drinking for a couple of months, and then start again. And while he was sober, his mother drove him to the hotel to help her and there she squeezed all the juice out of him. Or I got a job at least for a couple of months again in some cool organizations. She was already retired at the time we met. She had great connections, a large pension and,, apparently, large savings.

His mother received me well. And I liked her as an interlocutor, as a bright, interesting personality. Although I was worried about him, that she was not taking good care of him. I thought that I would be able to support and take care of him, I would persuade himstop drinking . After all, I loved him so much! But I just didn’t understand what I was getting myself into.

The man drank it alllife and no treatment helped. And all his friends were drinkers. And he perceived me as an obstacle to his friendship with alcohol. But I had no intention of quitting drinking. Of course, I couldn’t influence anything, I was wrong. And he, as it turned out, was also a terrible womanizer.

In the end, this relationship ended badly for me. Behind my back, he was simultaneously dating another girl. And then he chose her and left me. I was terribly worried. I cried all day at work and at home. I tried to make peace with him, but he didn’t need me.

Mom seemed to support me. But at the same time she said one phrase, which I now test-antibiotic.comI can't forget . She said that this man was like an exotic, expensive fruit in my life that I would never have been able to afford to try if he had not been rotten.

It meant that this man was from a rich family, richer than me, more handsome than me. Like, such a man would never have been attractive to me if it weren’t for the fact that he drinks. And so fate brought us together by chance. And he only paid attention to me because he was drinking. That’s how I understood my mother’s words. And it hurt me.

It turns out that his mother considers this man superior to me only because of his money and appearance? And he considers me poor, ugly and unworthy of him when sober?

We quarreled for a long time. Mom believes that she didn’t say anything like that, because everything is true. And I think that she humiliated me. How am I worse than this man? Couldn't it be that he didn't drink, we met, he would have paid attention to me, and there would have been a relationship? After all, mom can’t know what would have happened.

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