Mom, thank you for everything

Mom, thank you for everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother has been gone for 2 years. Today is my stepfather’s birthday , and today I dreamed about her. Mom hugged and kissed me endlessly, as if she was afraid that I would wake up and disappear again!

During her life, my mother and I were not justmother anddaughter , we were united and still are united by some kind of invisible spiritual connection. Even after her death, the feeling that she is always with me, and even closer than before, does not leave me. It is difficult to explain in words, it can only be felt with your heart and soul. In a dreamMom smiled, affectionately hugging and kissing my hands. But when I asked if she loved me, she answered quietly, barely audible, and with some sadness in her voice: “Yes.” And I, stupid, having forgotten that my mother was no longer there and this was just a dream, said to my mother: “No, you tell me this differently, so that later, many years later, I will remember this conversation.”

But mom was silent. And gradually she began to disappear! And only then did it dawn on me that I was sleeping and seeing a dream. I woke up with a feeling of inner warmth and calm, as if my beloved, my best MOTHER in the world, had really visited me.

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